Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Why I shouldn't drink iced coffee/frappes/McDonald's

This is just a list to remind myself why it's not worth buying. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to add comments on it!

~It causes the top of my mouth to hurt, and be sensitive and get hard (just plain painful)
~Its expensive
~It doesn't even taste good. It tastes like sludgy sugary coldness with sprinkles of coffee that isn't even good coffee.
~Its made by a machine. That's all.
~It has whipped cream. My homemade whipped cream is better. The caramel sauce isn't bad though.
~It makes my breath stink
~Makes me need to pee
~Upsets my stomach
~Makes me sleepy (on the other hand, it also calms me down)
~Has the fat/sugar of a big mac (according to a co-worker)
"8. McDonald’s: McCafĂ© Caramel Frappe (22 ounces)
Calories: 680
Saturated Fat (g): 18
Carb (g): 94
Sugar (g): 88
For this calorie total, you could have had a cheeseburger, small french fries and a Fruit n’ Yogurt Parfait.

Read more at http://www.dietsinreview.com/diet_column/09/12-shockingly-unhealthy-coffee-drinks/#FCXhtyQbOl2VjIGm.99 "

I actually do recommend reading more at that link. It's shocking, to put it plainly. Think about it: That's just number EIGHT on the 'unhealthy coffee' list.

Ok, I'm done! Teehee?

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Heh. Sounds good. Don't drink anymore!