Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Arkansas, arkansas, I just love old arkansas

I've been thinking I should blog for the last week or so, and have finally gotten around to it! There's been several topics I've been thinking of writing about, but ultimately, it's just what's currently on my mind, so maybe I'll get back to the other ones.

Every time I hear 'Arkansas' I think of that play (I think it's Tom Sawyer) where a boy goes skipping around singing the title of this post. So, the deal with Arkansas is that I had a client today that's moving there, and the price for buying a house was pretty cheap, and it was the 5th state with lowest cost of living, and in 2014 it was found to be the most affordable state to live in.

Frankly, we need affordable right now.

I was told it has four distinct seasons, and the highest recorded temperature ever is only 115 degrees F. You may be like 'WTF?! THATS HOT' but EVERY year here in Austin, it's reached above 100 degrees, if not 110. The highest average I found for AR is only 93 degrees in comparison. That's manageable, after this hell-hole. I don't think I can take another Austin summer, to be honest.

It also is supposed to snow occasionally, but looking at their temps, it doesn't actually look like it does that much. It says it's infrequent, but does occasionally happen in the northern part. I'd like to move to the North Eastern area, but haven't had much luck finding places that are flush with massage therapist jobs. On the one hand, that means I could be able to strike gold in an area with little competition, but on the other hand, I would have to start out without any help, and I don't feel prepared to do that.

The minus side is that they require 25 hours of CE for LMTS. Tennessee by comparison only requires 18 (And TX requires a mere 12). A certain friend of ours also recommends TN over AR, but also recommends NC over both by a long shot.

Frankly, I don't want to return to NC until my sister either straightens up, or gets hit with the consequences and is out of our hair. She is being demanding, obstinate, and is quite happy to call me a control freak. She feels it's her place to take over being a mom again, and completely dismisses any work we put into raising MJ, while at the same time giving lip service to us about doing her such a favor. I don't want to deal with her, because I feel it could harm our sister-relationship permanently. I don't want to lose my sister, especially if I'm gonna have to deal with her every month for the next 7 years. And I will, unless we reopen the court case. *sigh*

The main frustration I'm running into right now is that most of the job openings that are online do not offer a price, and merely says they'll discuss it at the interview, if its mentioned at all.

Another reason we're leaning towards TN over Arkansas (Even though for some insane reason I'm wanting AR a lot) is that they actually have branches of Hubby's job that he could possibly transfer to.

We found a super cute house I would love to rent, with an affordable price and all the bedrooms we'd need for the next few years. It even has a dryer and washer and room for me to give massage from home.

I keep getting side-tracked looking at these places. Anyway, Hubby also wants to move, preferably near to the East Coast. He doesn't want AR because he's never seen a job posting for his field in AR, and I can't really argue with that. I think that means we're going to be making the effort to move this summer before we begin to hate everything about our current home.

Hm. Looking at Memphis, it's the largest city in Tennessee with it's population, but it's only 1/3 the population as Austin, which I could actually cry in relief over. Austin is just too big and crowded for me to be happy here much longer (if you could call what we've been up to now as happy).

Ugh, anyway, we're heading to bed (we've been staying up much too late much too often). Here's some music I find interesting/disturbing:

I couldn't stop watching this video. It's hilarious (and sexist):

As for this one, I liked it until the radio said it was from 50 Shades. I haven't read or watched it, but if its anything like some of the author's unpublished works (I've had the misfortune to read) then I'll pass. Her other works are pretty much: Excessive controlling behavior, no signs of the female actually having any say in anything, and not nearly enough joint decisions to feel like a love story, more like a rape story where the victim learns to like it.


college kid said...

I do want to move, but I also want it to be practical. I think at this point, we would be happier living closer to NC if not in NC. I totally understand wanting to avoid your sister, but I'm not sure that's a good enough reason to discount NC altogether. If she acts up, then we limit their contact. It's that simple. And I don't think your family needs to know where we live if we ever do move to NC. That way Cindy can't just barge in whenever she wants to. I don't want you to lose your sister either, but if it comes to a choice between her and Mia, we will choose Mia every time. Because even though she is a brat, she deserves way better than her mom.

april said...

moving seems so sudden, but I guess that's just adult life and freedoms -- I've never moved somewhere that wasn't academic related, and my next move will be in that category too (medical residency)

Runa said...

Well we're not planning to move until the end of the school year, so it's still months away. But yeah, I want the freedom to move somewhere new and set life in motion without depending on it to be because of the school we chose. I want to explore our options! :)

IF we moved to NC, Mom would definitely have to know where we are, because she at least can visit and help us out (and vice versa). And with Cin possibly being in jail for the next nine months, I'm a lot less worried about moving to NC.

Caitlin said...
