Saturday, May 7, 2016

I have a moral dilemma on my hand.....

One hand in particular. You see, I went to the doctor on Thursday (Finally, I've been trying to go for weeks), to have him check out this hard bump on my hand. He glanced at it, poked it, called a wart, but said I needed to see a dermatologist to check it out and see what exactly it is, because they just classify it as a wart if its hard, and a blister if it's soft. Regardless, it hurts like a bitch when there's pressure on it, it's at the base of my thumb, and it is constantly being irritated by the massage work I do.

Now the moral part: It could be contagious if it's a wart, so I should. not. be. touching. clients. with. it. Except it's been six weeks since the damn thing formed (apparently a drop in immune system lets them form, like cold sores), and I didn't take any precautions before this because 1. it's super hard to keep a band aid on the damn thing because of where it's located, and 2. It looked nothing like the typical warts I looked up online. Even now, it looks more like a blister to me, but Hubby says it looks like a wart now (I've irritated the shit out of it experimenting). So my dilemma: It's mothers day weekend, calling out could mean i lose my job, especially if i'm not able to come back in until this wart is gone. I did cover it with a bandaid and tape today while I was working, and changed the bandage between each massage after rewashing my hands, but again, that irritated the shit out of it. So I'm trying to remain ethical, but the reality is more difficult than school really shows you.

Thoughts, opinions?


college kid said...

I think its fine as long as you take precautions to not pass on the warts to your clients, which is what you are doing. So I wouldn't worry about it.

april said...

you may be able to get a 'finger cot' at a drugstore

Caitlin said...

Yeah, I think it's fine to work when you put on Band-Aids and stuff. :) Are you planning to go to the dermatologist?