Monday, May 17, 2010

Alright already!

So, I have been hen-pecked into writing more blog posts. *frown* I thought *I* was supposed to do the hen-pecking. And NOOOOW he's pulling a guilt trip. *FROWN* That's just evil. He needs to quit learning from me.

So, I'm sitting here at work, with the wonderful smell of Subway infiltrating my nose, and the knowledge of the books in my bookbag tickling at my brain, and instead of doing any of those yummy alternatives, I'm updating my blog. School is out, I'm moved into K-chan's place, we're sleeping together again, and life is pretty good. Well, actually, I've had one problem.

I keep getting sick! Not like small fever, must lay down, it goes away and then comes back. Oh no, that'd be too easy. I end up nauseous and eventually throwing up. If I follow the pattern it's shown, tonight is the night I will throw up again. And it's worse because I have such a sense of smell that I can still sense it in my throat, making me throw up EVEN MORE THAN NECESSARY! It's disgusting, and I end up crying, and feeling gross about myself. It seems like, as long as I don't fill up my stomach, I'm fine.

I still haven't heard from Japan, about Studying Abroad. At this point, I'm beginning to think I wasn't accepted, or that I'm a last-resort. And I kinda don't wanna go at this point. I don't have much money, and Mom looks more and more stressed at the thought of me going.

Work isn't too bad, but it's actually work. I need another job though, especially since I'm paying bills now. I'd like to work a few. OH DAMN. Someone called me and I STILL haven't called them back. *frown* If it were important, they'd have left a message or called again, right? *sigh* Oh well.

I've got bf watching anime. He doesn't seem to like mine all that much.... Oh well.

O_O I just got recognized by an S&Mer that I don't recognize. I wonder why she knew me? She was our year (2008). And someone who i knew was her roomie. Interesting. I feel bad that I didn't know her.

I kinda wanna eat now....Nomnomnom. NOW bf is picky about his anime. He definitely should stay away from my harem ones. They'll just confuse and piss him off at this point.

I'm closing up the building tonight. *sigh* That's a little new to me, so I'm just a little worried, but I'll be okay. My boss is really funny about it though, because it was like she didn't want to leave me alone here. Said it was dangerous. Made sure I knew where the panic button was, and how to press it and everything. Then she worried about me having enough food, and ended up leaving fruit at the desk for me 'just in case'. She's really sweet.

Quote of the Day: WARNING: If the help desk thinks your question is stupid, we will set you on fire.

1 comment:

college kid said...

harem anime? really?

"we're sleeping together again, and life is pretty good"
....yeah, i think part of your subconscious wrote that part in a bad way on purpose......

I hope you get better sweetie....go to the clinic if it gets too bad......

Recognize you know the name of the roomie who supposedly knew you?