Tuesday, December 7, 2010



I'm trying to type this as fast as possible, so please excuse my mistakes. I'm unbelievably frustrated right now because of the homework and kanji I'm expected to learn in one week. In one week, there's an average of 35 new kanji, 2-3 new chapters of vocabulary and grammar (the grammar isn't new for me, but still) that has about 6 pages of homework EACH. Usually due the next day. Then there's the speeches, the sakubun (I can't remember what it is in english), and every other class that I'm taking's homework. I'm running out of energy and willpower, and I haven't even been trying that hard.
I tried to take a bath and study for the kanji test, but I just kept getting more and more frustrated, to the point that I dunked my head below the water and just yelled. I hope it didn't disturb anyone, but ARRRGH!
Then, there's the fact that right this minute, I smell freakin' AMAZING! Like, incredibly good. I took a Chamomile and Eucalyptus bath, used some amazingly great smelling shampoo and conditioner, medium bath soap, and my night clothes have absorbed the smell of my perfume because I spray my bed with perfume when I change the sheets. It's a good thing that I smell so great, right? 
.........Not when I start thinking about how much I'm going to sweat and end up reeking tomorrow, since I can't seem to escape the grossness of riding a bike 2-3 kms. I think my problem is that I'm actually concentrating on what needs to be done, and that's making me overwhelmed.

When I think about it, I have:
-3 Kanji tests (at the SAME time-As in 6 sheets of it)
-2 Vocabulary Tests this week (and every week)
-3 4-6 page papers due
-2 presentations
-1 major project that requires the group to work together, >.< My group's been pretty good, actually....

That's not mentioning my social life at all, which is heavily packed with parties (not the alcoholic type), volunteering, working, birthdays and other things. O_O I just realized I have a musical to go to. Gaaaaah!!!

I'm also trying to skip a level in grammar, because it's silly to continuously go over the same things I've been learning for years. A little review is fine. A ton is just redundant. I wish I could drop a level in kanji, because I'm so frustrated by all of it.

Poor bf, I'm starting to think of you as "Kareshi" in my mind too, because that's just how I refer to you all the time here. :P I may just switch to "Kareshi" instead of "bf" soon. BTW, thanks for blogging. ^.^ <3 I like the music.

On the plus side, I have a new bag (We played White Elephant recently), two boxes in the mail (which is causing me stress all on its own, because I keep looking forward to them, though I don't know when they'll get here), possibly financial aid coming, and lots of ideas for stories. Just no time. Yay?


1 comment:

college kid said...

Its great that you have a social life, sweetheart, but you may need to cut down on the parties and musicals and such in order to get things done. I love you, and I know you can do it! Just focus! Like I'm going to focus all day on my chem engineering test I have tomorrow!