Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day

Just a quick note: April blogs every day! WOW! I shall strive for that.... and fail for a long time, I do not doubt. :P

Valentine's Day.... *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*

So, hubby pretty much convinced me that Valentine's is for the guy to get girls stuff, and he said instead of me getting him anything, he wanted to celebrate "Steak and Blow job day" =.=; so I agreed to that.

We arranged to meet for lunch (I would pick him up) and eat at a place that has really good hamburgers (so he says). I don't eat the hamburgers, but they have the best pancakes in Austin. We ate there, and then he didn't want to go back to school, so we went to the book store and I picked out a few books. Then I was late getting him back to school, but he went.

I decided to pick up something 'sexy' for him, so off to the store I went! I found a few things, had a hard choice between a red lacy thing and a blue corset, and went with the red because I know he prefers that color. I checked out, went to my car, and got ready to leave.
Well, here in Austin, nobody waits for you to pull out. You have to watch carefully to be sure no one is coming or they speed by, nearly hit you, and honk at you like it's your fault they couldn't wait. So I was watching the sides, and when I looked to my left (slowly pulling out) out of the corner of my eye I saw a golden something. I checked my rear view, and it was a gold van pulling out right behind me!!
I panicked, hit my horn, and then hit the brake. Then I shifted gears and paused to see if the danger was over. Enter the bump feel and the crash. I pretty much screamed "SHIT!!" and then pulled back into my parking spot. Then I got out and asked the other driver if she was okay. She said she was, I noticed she spoke Spanish and didn't seem to understand english very well, and motioned for her to pull back into her spot. I looked at the vehicles, sent a pic to hubby asking what he wanted me to do (since it IS his vehicle), but he never responded to it. She pulled back into her spot, we exchanged information, and she asked if I would call the police. I noted that it was superficial damage on both vehicles, and shrugged. I wasn't planning to call them, but she asked a few times, so I did. I called the non-emergency line, and they couldn't patch me through, but they put me on a call list that would respond between ten minutes and three hours from then. I tried to explain it to her, and ask if she wanted to wait. She didn't understand enough, so I asked if she had a friend that spoke english and spanish. She called the friend, I relayed that bit, her friend explained, and then she said she would wait. We didn't exchange stories, because of the language barrier, and then a little while later her father showed up. I know this because he said 'Miha' and it rang a bell. He looked at the cars, saw that my dent was a foot by like ten inches (huge), but superficial. Then he looked at his daughter's, saw it was like 5x6 inches, and said that the bigger dent meant that I hit her harder. He said I should give him six hundred dollars, and they wouldn't call the insurance company.
Anytime someone says something like that to me, I shut down. It reminds me too much of extortion. I refuse to dignify such things with responses, so I refused. I tried to suggest that she file on her own insurance if she wants it fixed, I would file on mine, and we would both be good to go. She nodded, but I didn't stupidly think it meant she agreed. I just hoped she was thinking the same thing. Her dad said they wouldn't wait for the police, and we all went on our way. The police called me a few minutes later, and I told them we'd all left already.
Later, I got a phone call from my insurance. She'd filed a claim against me. She said that I hit her when she was shifting gears to leave. Honestly, memories are subjective. I'm not 100% sure she's wrong, but I think she is. Of course, who really wants to think badly of themselves? Anyway, I got home, got dinner started, and waited for hubby to text or call or get home. I also put on the sexy clothes, and waited.....for hours. He called two hours later (an hour after he was supposed to have gotten home) saying he'd been held up in lab. He said he would be another hour before he'd get home. During that time, I got the call saying the woman filed on my insurance. I called back, but I guess he left the office for the day.
Then hubby came home, and we ate the healthy dinner I'd prepared. Then he said he had a surprise place to take me. That meant I had to change clothes.... again. It was supposed to be a Japanese bubble tea shop.... but it was filled with Chinese/Taiwanese things and Ghibli stuff. The owner was actually Taiwanese, and they were out of the tapioca for the bubble tea. I got coffee jelly with my taro root tea. It was good, but I wanted bubble tea..... *sigh*
Then we went to buy me flowers (yes, he left ALL of this to the last day), and found that all the flower shops were closed, and Walmart had maybe ten arrangements left (all picked over). I ended up picking two to make up for the lack of good stuff. Then I asked if he was going to get me the jewelry we'd seen months ago that matched my wedding rings. He said he was going to get me those for my birthday, but if I wanted them, he would get them now and figure something else out for my birthday. I admitted that I wanted it, and he got them for me. They're beautiful! :)
Then we got home, watched Modern Family while I arranged flowers, and then had happy time. We subsequently discovered that I was on my period. For the first time in eight months. When I wasn't supposed to have one at all because of my birth control. So of course I didn't have any supplies for it! And back to Wally world we went.

As you can see, it was a good, and awful day. First Valentine's Day as a married couple? .... Well, it's an experience. I liked the thoughtfulness and spending time together. I didn't like the car accident and surprises..... Hope ya'll's was better. Or at least as good. ;P


april said...

it's good that you're aware of the driving idiosyncrasies that your city has. I know that even at parking lot speeds, a collision can be jarring, since I've been in one. Hope the car stuff works out!

Caitlin said...

That was stressful... I hope you get the car stuff worked out, too!

Runa said...

The car stuff is proceeding unexpectedly fast. :) April, we were essentially hit over the head with this idiosyncrasy. lol. I still remember both of us panicking and yelling at each other when a car nearly hit us while we backed out of a spot at Target relatively soon after we moved here. It's a lesson I've been careful not to forget. But it greatly increases my dislike of parking lots. I swear they're out to get me!!!