Monday, September 23, 2013

Generic Post

Heyla folks!

First off: April commented on my previous post! HUZZAH! She isn't dead! *cheers*

Second: Pineapples got her interview off to a great start! YAAAAAY! Awesome job on the code, since they couldn't crack it. I think that means you have an incredibly strong chance of being hired. ^.^ I hope you like the town.

Third: Maya is being unfairly cute. She was so cute, she managed to get hubby to let her lay on his lap and pet her for a long time. That's my spot....

Fourth: I think I'm fighting off a cold. I slept for nearly 14 hours last night. And had a nightmare. :/ Not fun times.

So I guess I should start my post. Hmmm. I haven't been up to very much. I'm trying to watch how much I eat, which generally ends up with me either snacking too much, or so hungry that I end up overeating anyway. Tch.

I think I should groom Maya soon, but I don't wanna sit on the floor. And I don't want her hair all over the bed or couch, so the floor is really the only option.

It's finally getting cool enough for us to open our windows at night, but I'm worried about bugs getting in, so we haven't opened them yet. Since it's getting cool though, I think I should start jogging. Last time I only lasted for three minutes. It was almost embarrassing. I want to aim for longer, but I don't think I can. *sigh* I'll never get better if I don't continue though. So after this, I will go jogging again. Hopefully this time I won't have an audience. That made it marginally more embarrassing last time.

I've restarted PT, but I think my Therapist decided to punish me for not making it in those two-three weeks. She crammed a lot of stuff, and increased the difficulty of pretty much all of it. Sprints on bicycles is killer. And I used to do it for fun.

Speaking of my knee, I think I'm getting some feeling back in the no-feels-zone. Unfortunately, it's mostly pained pokes and itching. It'll probably get better soon.

I'm gonna try some acne control recipes, and I hope Hubby will cooperate and let me do them on him too. It doesn't look likely though. He says neither of us needs it, and while I mostly agree, it's supposed to get blackheads out and decrease the size of your pores so you get fewer and fewer. That would definitely be nice, especially on my forehead (read: No digging zone). It's so difficult to get anything off my forehead I have mostly given up. I think I'll go take that jog now.

Here's a song to boost you up. It was a little more difficult than I expected to find a video to suit the lyrics.:

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