Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I am now an accountant! i.e. Office Lady, i.e. OL

:) Today was my second day at work. This essentially means: I go to bed at 10 p.m., wake up 6:45-7, get ready, leave at 7:15, get to work at 8, work til 9:45 and take a ten minute break, work til 11 and take an hour lunch break, work til 2:30, and take another ten minute break, and then get off at 5. Aaaaaaand repeat.

The good thing, is that I am getting up at 'decent' hours, sleeping at 'decent' hours, and meeting new people. The bad thing is, I'm gettin' up at a godawful hour, sleeping at little-kid level bedtime, and being intimidated by people either a. ignoring me politely, or b. talking to me so much I don't know what to say.
Example of b: I was talking to a beautiful woman who knew my name, my proficiency in Japanese, my background, and it seemed like, everything about me. Then I find she's R's sister, so it kind of makes sense. I go to take a nice long bathroom break, and SHE STARTS TALKING TO ME! While I'm IN the stall. She literally walks in (I didn't know she followed me), drops HER pants down a stall or two from me, and says "So Runa, what do you think of ______". The only thing that saved me? Someone with a very similar name to mine, lets say Ruma, was sitting in the stall between us. So she was also startled, but busted out "You mean me??" Which then devolved the conversation into "Oh, I didn't know there was someone else in the bathroom!" and some further conversation between them.

It shocked me in a ....semi-good way. I don't really like being followed around, but I DO like being able to talk to someone without feeling like I'm forcing my company on them. I kinda like being an OL because of how they're depicted in Japanese culture as well. ^.^ For reference, you could try Kimi wa Petto.

Another thing is, I think I'm allergic to something at the site. My eyes water, my head starts hurting, my throat gets clogged, it's difficult to breathe, and I KEEP heartburn. I wish all of that would go away. It would make for a much better experience overall.

Something else that sucks? I got a cold sore the day before I started. ;__; Painful, ugly, irritating, contagious thing guaranteed to make for awkward conversation. Apparently there's the occasional lunch thief when dealing with the office fridges. I'm excited! I wonder if anyone would take mine, since it's so obviously different from everyone else's.

It's a little strange to me that hubby comes home after me, most days. It means that when I start school, I won't be seeing him much at all. :( I suppose we'll work something out. We always do. It also seems to mean that I work all day and come home to cook dinner and clean the kitchen too. :/ I wouldn't mind if I were, you know, healthy and non-headache-filled. But headache + heartburn + 100 degree weather + hot stove = Very bitchy Runa. I'm hoping I can adjust to the headache and heartburn and they'll ease away.

I always have interesting dreams, but last night was super interesting. I dreamt I took a shower at my mom's place, which was once again also my place, and mom was attending school while I worked. I gave her tips on classes, and got out of the bathroom to find my little brother (they've almost got him 100% adopted) and Papa holding each other close while watching Nightmare Before Christmas 2. There is no such movie, btw, but I didn't know that. In this movie, Jack was being cradled in two real people's arms while he explained the horrors of being away from home. Meanwhile, the family's teenage daughter, abhorred by most as ugly, decides she'll be beautiful for him! So she starts putting on make-up to look like a skeleton. It was so very strange....

I think I'm done. Hubby should be home soon, and we're going out to eat, because I can't stand the idea of cooking tonight. :/

I tend to keep this song stuck in my head. You should listen. Then sing it. It's very..... therapeutic. :D
This was pretty interesting. It's poetry, but not. He talks fast, so watch out for that. And it takes a turn for the very interesting about two minutes in. I liked it.


college kid said...

Hmmm. I wish we knew what you were allergic to.

Unknown said...
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