Monday, September 30, 2013

Paying Tuition

So I drove over to the school on Friday to pay my tuition for massage school, but found that I had missed the people who could accept my payment by twenty minutes! It annoyed me, honestly. I had asked hubby to wake me up that morning, but he didn't, so I woke at noon (as usual). I had only been told I needed to be there by 2 p.m., so to find that I couldn't do it disappointed me. I want it over with, so that I can say 'I WILL be enrolled'. So today I tried to get up early again and failed. Woke up around 1:30. :/ So I sent off an email explaining what I wanted, and could I please just call and pay that way, but she hasn't gotten back to me. So I'm still waiting to pay. I have until the end of the business day of the first of October to do it, I believe. So I'll just keep trying.

On to my sleeping problems: I'm seriously straining my leg every day. I'm pushing it past its limits, and wearing myself out. I think this accounts for a large portion of my heavy sleeping. For nearly the last week (except for two days when I woke up around seven a.m.) I've been sleeping anywhere from twelve to fourteen hours a night. It's honestly frustrating. I want to get up but I'm so heavily tired that I just fall back asleep. Hopefully tomorrow Hubby can get me up and I can drive over and pay for my tuition. He tried to get me up this morning, but I just turned over and went back to sleep.

We're gonna be meatless for the next few days! Mainly because we always shop together, and Hubby is overloaded with work until Thursday. So I'll make meals with what we have lying in the freezer/cabinets until then. It'll be interesting! I'm kinda excited.

Today hubby had a bad day. So instead of the plain salad and rolls I was gonna make for dinner, I also made steak (that had been in the freezer) and fudgy brownies. The rolls were amazing: covered and soaked in butter, garlic salt, and parmesan cheese. The salad included tomatoes, lettuce, shredded cheese, boiled snow peas, boiled spinach, lemon juice, and sea salt. It sounds a little odd, but it's actually pretty good. I also made coleslaw and cucumber salad the other day, but Hubby doesn't like those. We have a lot of leftovers/bentos made up for him to take to work, so at least I don't have to worry about that.

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but Hubby and I are jogging together now. It's kind of a waste for him to go though, since he doesn't even break a sweat.... Whereas I come home with my lungs on fire and my legs burning. I know I'm taking necessary baby steps. To show how baby they are: First time was 3 minutes, second was 5, third was 6, and fourth was 9. Then I integrated sprints on my fifth trip (jog a stretch, sprint one, jog one, etc.) and only lasted 6 minutes. Next time (in a little while) I'll start with walking fast, then jogging and sprinting, to try and get my time up and let my legs go through various ranges. When I was jogging last time, I thought about how I'm even able to jog. I haven't been able to run for over three months. The fact that I can jog and run without fear of falling over because my knee gave out is AMAZING. My first few times, I was actually cautious, halfway expecting it to give out on me. Now I have to adjust my legs to their new status. What I mean is, my right leg feels comfortable jogging and running. It's familiar. But my left.... is not. It jolts and jars and feels subtly wrong. So I'm trying out my paces, trying to find the comfortable fit I know is there somewhere. And in the course of that, get my reserves back up. Cause only lasting 3 minutes is.... just humiliating.

I was going through Christmas gifts, organizing them, considering packaging, and basically taking inventory. And I realized. I have nearly nothing for my oldest nephew. I'm seriously considering just getting him a Gift Card for his Game Shop place. But that seems so heartless, so I'm wavering between that and picking out a video game for him. I don't know. I do know that I made him some Venom hand warmers. ^.^ They look pretty good, even though they're small. They also work REALLY well. If anyone wants anything, let us know. If it's not an overly difficult/expensive gift, we'll do our best. OR if you have ideas for a 13 year old nephew/little bro, lay 'em on me. ;)

hahahaha. This is funny:


college kid said...

The gamestop giftcard idea went across my mind too, but i honestly think gamestop isn't that great. And it is difficult to know what games he already has/wants.

Caitlin said...

Good luck with tuition today!

Get him a sword, kids like those.

Runa said...

He only buys his games from Gamestop. And he got real swords last year. This kid has everything and still wants more... I should just get him underwear or something. Give up. Let him see what getting clothes for Christmas means.

I paid tuition! Yay! I can pick up my books soon! And my massage table! Yay!!!

april said...

I love reading about the things that you guys cook; it sounds so delicioso!

Runa said...

Haha. I'm glad you like the food parts. Usually I honestly just look at some ingredients, consider how I could combine them, and try it. Hence, a lot of college kid's favorite new meals. :P