Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Fulfilling Life

How do you define it?

My definition is simple, and vague. A fulfilling life is one in which you are happy you have lived, and one in which you are able to do things you have wanted to do.

I was talking with Rozy earlier today, and mentioned how I don't think my sisters are going to be able to have fulfilling lives (well, one in particular, but it's a danger for both, simply because of their perspective on life itself). Then I started thinking how a fulfilling life can be defined so differently by different people. So I want to hear your definitions! Please comment below with it.

Here's a song that I like. I think the video is really, really funny. Enjoy!



college kid said...

Fulfilling life? Making you and myself happy. Getting a not-shitty job.

Caitlin said...

I would say a fulfilling life is a happy life. That would usually include being able to do the things you have wanted to do. It would generally be hard to stay happy and upbeat when nothing ever goes your way. I think it's all about the attitude one has and the level of appreciation one feels. I think this life would also generally include having a close, mutually-supportive relationship with at least one other person (spouse, parents, siblings, friends, etc.).

We have been thinking about this quite a bit recently because of the recent death in the family.

Andres Barcelo said...

Fulfilling life I guess if I had to describe it would be looking back on what you've done and accomplished and not having regret. Being proud of your infinitesimally small contribution to the world we know as human beings. Knowing you did you best and when your time comes you accept the next step with open arms. Loving your family, loving your children, spreading that love through the world. To me that's success.