Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hm Hm... I've pestered Hubby to post but didn't post myself, so...

As I promised him, I am now posting. The topic is a little dreary though, and something that I post about occasionally. My weight (cue sigh of boredom from the masses).
So according to a health calculator, I am 100 lbs overweight. When my sister was this weight, I'm pretty sure she was wearing 22-24, but I'm still wearing a size 18. I have noticed increased back rolls, but it's not such a difference that I could point at it and be like "YOU! You are where the weight has gone!" Maybe it actually all went to my breasts. They're kinda huge now. I got resized (haven't done it properly since high school) and my breasts are literally larger than my head. Other spots that I've noticed are larger.... my stomach is definitely rounder and fuller. My thighs may be a little plumper. My forearms, calves, feet and hands are still delicate and small, but my upper arms are maybe a little? flabbier? Not much though, cause I've been working so much. Maybe it all accumulated in my ass. I can't see it after all, so I wouldn't know if it was getting bigger.

I certainly feel heavy, but I don't feel THAT heavy. I do know this much weight isn't healthy though, and maybe that's why my feet hurt so much so often. My sister certainly always complains about her feet. Speaking of, I should really get a pedicure so I can use my feet to massage people. They're WAY too callused and hard right now to use without socks on.

Hubby is also a little confused by my weight gain. As he has noticed, we don't eat very differently. I may eat more sweets, but I also eat more veggies where he eats more meat. And it's not like I eat sweets ALL the time. I've actually begun eating veggies in between massages to kind of manage my weight a little more (I also rarely have time to eat much of anything at work).

I'm beginning to seriously consider doing the Paleo diet. It's supposed to reroute your body's digestive pathways so that you are digesting the fats and sugars as they enter your body instead of storing them for 'later use' and it's a little hard to explain because I'm not sure I fully understand it myself. Essentially you eat like a hunter/gatherer for a month to 'reset' your body. So only meats and veggies and fruits. Nothing processed, and nothing 'unnatural'. It's supposed to be a hand-size of meat at each meal (Which is where I balked originally), and a fist-size serving of fruits and veggies whenever else (and at meals, essentially when you're hungry) and a handful of nuts for a good snack. I'm seriously considering it. Seems like it would get boring quickly though.

Hmmmm what else.... Court is (yet again) this Wednesday. Ironically, so is my scheduled Psych Eval. I'm not currently particularly nervous about either, but my sisters and mom ARE, so the nervousness is beginning to infect me a little. Only a little though. Court rarely actually seems to get anything done, so I'm slowly becoming acclimated to the inevitable 'Let's wait and see how ______ turns out' they've been doing for the last....uh. In regards to us: 9 months, and in regards to the whole situation: 2 1/2 years. Hm. 9 months. That's about the time it would take to get a baby the natural way. Maybe this court date will be our placebo due-date and the baby will finally be sent to us via the stork (social worker).

I am now teaching Japanese to one of the receptionists at my job for $40 for 2 hours (1 hour 2 days a week) each week. We've just had our first lesson today, and though I worry that I ramble a bit too much, it's also shown me just how much Japanese history, culture, language, and relations I have actually learned over the years. I impressed myself with my knowledge, but I don't want to overwhelm her, so I'm going to separate her lessons into 1 hour of reading and writing, and one hour of speaking/listening each week. I felt that was the best, most useful way I was taught. Her writing is really clumsy right now, but I think it's very cute and shows where she needs to work to make progress.

Okay, Hubby is waiting to sleep until I get this written, so I'm just going to find a song and then go to bed. This song is stuck in my head, and I have to admit to liking the sentiment. I can't hate a good revenge song (especially one that doesn't make use of innocent bystanders).

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