Thursday, July 10, 2014

This summer has been rather..... mild.

Not to say it hasn't been hot, just that it hasn't been mind-meltingly hot. It's staying in the 90s, but not going over that too much, and there's been a LOT of cloudy/rainy days.
Hubby and I work really close by each other, so lately I've been trying to get a bit of exercise by dropping the car off at his work and walking to mine. I've also been going in the sauna as often as I can, but that isn't that much. It seems to make me sick to my stomach sometimes, and the next day, it often feels like my bones are softer. It's probably all in my head, but I like the way it softens my skin, and I like the way it cleans out my pores (because I have rivulets of sweat dripping by the end).
Work has been rather slow as well. I get maybe 1-4 clients, working 5-8 hours a day. In general you want at least 5-8 clients in that many hours, and possibly up to 18 clients (that's never happened, that would be incredibly intense, holy cow). I don't mind it being slow, but I do mind that my rate will drop significantly, and I will essentially be earning around $300 for two weeks of work. We can't live on that!!
I think I'm getting steadily more blunt/cruel as time goes on. I'm not pulling my punches(opinions) as much as I used to, and I'm not sure it's a good direction for me to continue in. I feel like I also can't make small-talk very well anymore either. These should be goals to work towards, I suppose. I just don't like the fake feel of them. But then, I also don't like the feeling that my thoughts hurt others so easily. So I'll have to think on it more.

This video is surprisingly humorous.

And this video is one I think a few of you would REALLY enjoy if you haven't already seen it.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Hmm, that sounds super hot to me. It's not usually in the 90s even here but I think it's too hot!

I hope work picks up soon. Maybe it will when it's a little cooler. Also, don't people go on vacation a lot in July/August? Maybe they aren't getting massages because they are saving for their vacations or are out of town.