Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I'm a patient person.... I can wait.... I'm a patient person...

Who am I kidding? I'm only patient when I'm plotting revenge and waiting for it to come to fruition. Uggggh. I'm sitting here waiting to hear from ANYONE as to what happened in court today. Considering no one has contacted me, I think the case was continued to tomorrow. Still, I wish someone would TELL me. This involves the rest of our lives!
Hubby and I had an interesting conversation the other day, about what we'd do if Mimi refused to go out on her own into the world. Hubby said he'd get a restraining order. That kinda halted me. I couldn't believe I had married someone willing to do that. Thankfully, it turned out that he was bluffing. My suggestion was to make living with us (if she's like 21 and slacking) nearly unbearable with all the chores and restrictions so she realizes living on her own is the best option. I mean, it's a little passive-aggressive, but it's also legal and ethical. And leaves her the option of coming home to visit later. Just no good reason to try to come live with us.
Work wants me to be available tomorrow earlier than I had planned to come in. It's surprisingly busy, considering I had six hours of work yesterday, and only did an hour and forty minutes worth of work. I don't mind, since I'll be nearby anyway, and it might help me get my hours up. The owner called today to discuss how I'd taken most of yesterday 'on call' and how I'd lost money doing that. I don't think I really lost money, not if I'm busy for the rest of the week, but it's true that looking at that single day, I lost about 30 dollars. My argument was that I didn't feel I deserved to be on the clock, even if I'm there, when I'm just reading a book. She got quiet and said 'That's a good point.' She said they're trying to think of things for us to do to keep us busy when we're slow like that, but they're still working on it. She didn't catch me at my best.
I've been trying to sleep most of the day since I stayed up til 6 (couldn't sleep). It hasn't been very successful. I was called by the psychological assessment place about my insurance. I gave them the wrong group number, so they needed the other one. I was texted by a few people. And just in general, it's been hard to get to sleep because I keep thinking about what may be going on in court. It's going on 6 o'clock there, so court should be over already, but mom turned her phone off, which implies she's in the court room right now. Oh I hope things go well. Like I said on facebook, I'm not hoping for a quick resolution, just one that eventually ends in our favor.
Hubby leaves for his interview this weekend. It's going to be so weird without him. I kinda wanna look up stuff on 'if he gets the job' but I'm scared I'll jinx it. He's really done well with his prep work, and presentation so far. I'm pretty sure he'll ace the interview with all of his hard work. I just don't want to do something to hurt his chances.
I'm so nervous!! Auuuugh!! Call meeeeeee!! What's going onnnnnn!! It's now 6:15 now, and Mom just called me back. Okaaaay. They almost threw her out of court because I called her while they were in there. In my defense, I thought court cases ended at 5, and I called at 5:20 (their time). Also, as hubby said, Mom didn't call me last time, despite her promise to, so I got impatient and called her this time. When I talked to her, she was crying and very upset. All she told me was that they're court-ordering a psychological assessment, and they'll meet again in a month's time to review the results. This has the added benefit of giving us time to know if Hubby gets the job, and if we'll be moving, and things like that. I don't mind getting a psych eval, especially if they'll pay for it. Since it's been ordered, they should. Hopefully they'll even provide the person doing it, so I can just cancel my current plans. I don't wanna spend $600+ on it.
Well, Mom was crying and rather unintelligible, so that's all I know right now. She'll call me later when she calms down. I'm pretty disappointed that I got so impatient as to call during court, but I wish they'd stop meeting about our case at the worst times. They either make it one of the last cases of the day, or the one right before lunch, so everyone's in a rush to get through with it and doesn't give it the time and consideration it deserves. I feel bad that Mom was crying so much though. It makes me think other stuff happened too, and that makes me worried. Well, there's nothing to be done about it now. *sigh*

This is an interesting take on this song. I kinda liked it. :)

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