Friday, September 11, 2015

Baby Daddy Drama

My cousin and I had a conversation about my sister hitting on her then-boyfriend. Keep in mind this was probably near to a year ago, and she is NO LONGER with the man now. I want your thoughts on these kind of things. I mean, I don't like incest, and the idea of a man that's stuck his dick in my sister(s) sticking his dick into me is too close to incest for me. But I don't think it's fair to limit a partner's potential mate pool simply because they once fucked with you. Here's the conversation. What do you think?

  • C:
  • So... I heard Cin is out of jail now.
  • C:
  • Have you dealt with anything from her yet?
  • C:
    Oh hell no, Cin is sending friend requests to K and I've seen with my own eyes what her motives are with him. And I'm not taking that shit.
  • R:
    Uh. I think she's just lonely right now. I'm trying to be cautiously hopeful about her. Besides, I thought you and K were through?
  • C:
    Yeah I mean we're not together but I've seen her messages towards him before she left which said and I quote "if you and C weren't fucking around I'd show you a thing or two" and she send him a request and didn't send me one. But the way I think and I've explained to her too, sisters don't mess with their guy whether they're together or not, especially if they're having a child together. I mean Cin's Husband came on to me several times and I turned him down because he was with my sister and especially because they've had children together.
  • R:
    But that's your own view, not hers. They're both adults, if they choose to do that, it's their business. It's not something I would do, but it's not fair to try and make someone follow rules that you make about their personal lives. Men aren't objects, they're ppl too and make their own choices, just like women do.
  • C:
    K doesn't want anything to do with her anyway. And she's told me that she and Kris fought over a guy because Kris ran around behind her back with him and they weren't together. She apparently thinks that way too. So she's made herself into a hypocrite.
  • R:
    Still her and K's business.
    It's only your business if he's telling you he only wants you.
  • C:
    But she told me that she'd get upset and that it's not right for sisters to do that to each other and then after that, she advances towards K.
  • R:
    *shrug* Her and Kris have both said something along those lines to Hubby, and it doesn't bother me.
    If he wants them, he'll let me know and we can discuss it. He doesn't want them, therefor we take it as a joke and let it go.
  • C:
    And like I said he told me he wants nothing to do with her anyway. And I don't see how it couldn't. Jess has actually ATTEMPTED to fuck around with K not just with words. I mean that makes me feel betrayed because they're supposed to act like sisters, not some shady chick friend
  • R:
    Ummmm...... I've never felt jealousy, so it doesn't bother me. Hubby's not a possession. It bothers me when it bothers him and he asks (usually with his eyes) for me to save him, and that's when I step in. I'm possessive, but it's mostly a joking possessiveness.
  • C:
    I'm not gonna lie, I have insecurities. I would never to that to my sister or even a relative at that. Or a friend.
  • R:
    If both parties agree they're no longer in a relationship, then the man is fair game.
    or Woman
  • C:
    I dunno, I just don't think like that.
  • R:
    I think it's disrespectful and rude to think you should continue to control what your previous partner is allowed to do after you've stopped being together.
  • C:
    And apparently neither does Cin but she also made herself into a hypocrite. And it would be one thing, if the man and the woman both agreed not to be together but if one was hurt by that person and their friend or family member decided to date them that would be kinda messed up
  • R: Depends on the relationship between the relatives. For the most part, what happens in a relationship is limited to the two ppl in the relationship. It's not fair to the relative to expect them to pick a side when they weren't along for the ride of the whole relationship.
    This is only adult relationships I'm referring to here. Children are a whole different catch of fish
    Why are you upset that she's offered to friend him?
    Does she even know you two aren't together anymore?
    Remember, she's only been out like, three days. Who would tell her your business?
  • C: Because of her disrespectful, hypocritical intentions before. And because he wants nothing to do with her.
  • R: So he won't friend her, and it won't go beyond that, probably
    Most people are hypocritical. It's something you have to get used to.
    Especially if you're gonna be a mom.
    And it's not like she said 'Uh, I know you're with C, but I want your dick now. Come here sexy man'
    She said that if he weren't with you (and he is not now), that she wouldn't mind doing the hanky pank with him.
  • C: I can't stand hypocrisy x.x
  • R Man's life is hypocrisy.

  • C: We weren't together then but we were looking around. But I'm tired so I'll finish this convo tomorrow lol g'night

  • R: Alrightie. Goodnight.

And that was that. I mean, I do understand it feels like a betrayal, but it shouldn't. That's how family fueds get started, and excessive drama. If you break up with someone, they're not yours to dictate to anymore. It may hurt for a while, but the only one who can fix that is yourself. I don't know. What do you guys think?

1 comment:

college kid said...

What do I think? It sounds like she just wants to stir up drama. If she is actually secure in the thought that he doesn't want your sister, then I don't think she should care this much. She sounds like Mia.