Sunday, February 28, 2016


So I've noticed lately that my Japanese is gettin really rusty. I reach for words and can't recall them. I think I should fix this, but without someone to practice with, I lose motivation. :( It sucks.

Also, sorry I haven't posted in so long. I think about posting fairly often, but it never happens because I'm brain-dead by the time I get home from work. Speaking of work, there have been some changes in the past month that seriously made me consider leaving. I'm still considering it, but I'm not as serious about it because, as hubby says, I have a strong chance of promotion. And I told myself I would commit three years to this company if possible when I first got hired. I don't want to give up, you know?

So the changes: We hired a lot of people, and we had at least three new hires join our team....only to quit that same day. We had an ice day, and my supervisor didn't make it in, after a half a week of being too sick to come in. The owners chewed her out via email, and she chose to resign rather than deal with their accusations. So I lost my team lead. That same week, I lost the other two team members that had as much experience as I did. And then it was down to me and the new girl that was being trained on FB with me. I commenced to finish up her training. She's still slow, but that just takes experience to increase. It's just been me and her dealing with all of my client's issues (and boy do they have issues), and I basically stepped up into the team lead role, and they didn't say anything against it. *Shrug* My mom keeps clamoring for me to demand a pay increase, but I feel like those should be offered, not demanded. I don't feel that I'm underpaid yet. Once I begin to feel that way, I may mention it to the owners, but until then, I'm good. I'll probably demand it during Grass Season, when we're expected to get upwards of 40 work orders cleared and submitted a day. Until then, I'm fairly content.

I'm nervous about tomorrow, because I'll be giving a massage for the first time since we've moved back. Its completely a relaxation massage, low on pressure, high on technique, but I'm nervous because the person I'll be massaging has never had one before, and we're trying to barter with each other. I'm nervous, but I can do it! I want to be able to barter for services! This is the first step!

Lately I've been feeling sick in the mornings. I don't get hungry immediately like I used to, and no matter what I eat (believe me, I've tried several different things) it all ends up upsetting my stomach and sends me running for the bathroom at work. It's very annoying. I figure if I'm gonna end up sick regardless (as it appears I will), I may as well eat what I want to. And no, I don't think I'm pregnant. I think it's because I accidentally poisoned myself with Peptobismal Tablets last week. :S Did you know that if you take too many, you're supposed to call poison control? I took three because two never seems to be effective for my heartburn, It turns out it seriously messes with your digestion if you take too many, which makes sense because it lowers your acidic content in your stomach, which sends food that hasn't been chemically broken down into your bowels, which aren't prepared to take them in that state, so not much is absorbed, and it just ends up getting pushed out sooner. If you know what I mean. Like I said, not pleasant.

So beyond that, I did a lot of little things for my Mom for her birthday, and it worked up to her bragging about it to my siblings in front of me, and I hated that. I didn't say anything to mom because it's her birthday and I didn't want to scold her on that day. It made me regret being so generous. My brother is mentally about 10 years old. He's likely to pick her a flower, or give her a gift from his own collection of toys, but not to take her out and buy her whatever she wants. My sisters don't have enough money to pay rent, let alone actually blow money on their mom. To rub the fact that I'm 'thoughtful' enough and 'well off enough' to do that is just crass.

My sister's getting impatient to talk to MJ. I wouldn't mind, but MJ is grounded for the next month for mouthing off to her teachers and us because we didn't pay enough attention to her. Not to mention, my policy has been to call Cin when MJ asks to speak to her, and not otherwise, because it leaves MJ unsettled and unhappy to talk to her mom otherwise. *sigh* I'll have to initiate it tomorrow for MJ because Cin is supposed to meet the other kids tomorrow.

I know there's been a lot of things that have happened recently, but I dont feel particularly open to sharing right now.... One thing is that Hubby is sending me massage jobs in the area near his new work place fairly regularly, and I'm a little unsettled. I'm unsure if he just wants me to have that option open to me, or if he genuinely wants me to leave this job, or if he just wants me to take on a second job in addition to this one. It'd be nice to have that cleared up.

So how was everyone's Valentine's Days? Hubby and I dropped off the littlin at my mom's place, went on a date to see DeadPool (AWESOME movie, btw), and basically got laze around for a weekend. It's nice to be able to lay in bed all day. I should know. I did that today. Hubby got me dark chocolate covered cherries and flowers, and my gift was to not get him anything. This sounds weird, I'm sure, but I spent a lot of money on gifts for him over Christmas and his Birthday a few weeks before, so I think he appreciated not worrying about my denting our account further.

Yeah, I'm done for now. Thanks for listening!


college kid said...

I am totally fine with you just having CPR as a job if that is what you want. Its just that you have been saying you might want to get back into massage, and I figured that getting a side job into it would be the best way to get back into it. I also think that having it as a job helps you to remember the techniques and stuff. And I know you hate applying to jobs, so I thought it would be helpful to find some and apply to some for you.

I think that if you can make CPR into a career, then that is perfectly fine. I was just trying to help you keep the door open to a massage career if that still interested you.

And of course....any little bit of extra money helps when planning for children, houses, cars, etc.

Runa said...

Touche, Hubby, Touche. I just didnt know if you were quietly telling me to quit my job or what....

april said...

Sorry you haven't been feeling good! I like that you're doing some massages.

We saw Deadpool Valentine's day weekend too! Really good! I don't remember what else we did, but I had to work remotely that weekend, so it was pretty low-key. Oh! we had pizza for dinner as a gift to ourselves so nobody had to cook :)