Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Now she's trying to skip.

Child needs to learn to plan these things out. If you're planning to skip because you're 'sick' you need to start prepping days beforehand. 'Mum, I don't feel great....' 'Oh, just the one serving for me please, my stomach is a little off.' or 'It's kinda hot/cold in here, isn't it?' a couple days beforehand, sprinkled out and slowly becoming more apparent until the day you planned to skip: "Uuuurgh. I think I'm gonna throw up! Do you have anything for my stomach? And my ears.... they feel like they're ringing... No, no, I'll go to school. Wouldn't want to miss it.' And BAM. 'No. Get your ass in bed. You're sick.' ITS NOT THAT HARD.
Her half-hearted 'My stomach and head hurrrrrt' the morning of? When she was well enough to eat spicy food and ask for ice cream the day before? Hah. Not likely, childling. I drove her to school, and was twenty minutes late to work.
She didn't even protest when we demanded she get up and ready for school. She knew she was caught. *shakes head* As Hubby says, she's in the phase of testing us.

Her mother isn't helping. She keeps asking if she can talk to MJ, and if she can stay the night, and spend time with her before she goes back to jail. We said she could come visit for a few hours (it will have to be in public), but we're not going to Mom's for mother's day (I have to work both Sat/Sun), and we're not letting her stay the night here. I was wavering on that, because she's my sister (For you that have siblings, imagine being unable to offer your little/big sister a room to sleep in for a night or two because your partner doesn't feel it's safe. Not a pleasant feeling, makes you guilty and feel like an awful human, even if you agree logically with your partner) and she really needs help. But after this phone conversation, when she admitted she's on a balcony in FL on the 22nd floor, and has been to multiple beaches in the last few days 'because it was offered to her' and suddenly I'm a lot more wary. She was offered something generally means they had a use for her. Whether as a user, as a warm body, as a helping hand, etc. is unknown, but drugs are likely involved. *sigh*

"I took my clothes off to please you. You can use your clothes to please me.'' My response when Hubby told me to stop using his shirt as a napkin.

End Post


college kid said...

Brats will be brats. At least she knows we aren't just going to let her do whatever she wants. If she continues to do it, I will check on her earlier and make sure she gets to school on time.

I'm confused how she is in FL at all. I thought she had to stay in NC by law. Not that she has been particularly observant of the law regardless.

Wht's with this "End Post" trend?

Runa said...

I guess you're technically right, but really, who's going to catch her out of state if she comes back in time to meet with her parole officer? *shrug*

End Post.