Monday, March 20, 2017

One thing I've noticed is that I'm expensive

I don't just mean in my spending habits. I average $21.25 per hour when I'm working, excluding any tips, and including my work as a tutor. Based on my glance at our account this morning, if I wish to make as much as Hubby, but still only perform 12 hours of massage, I need to be paid $27-30 an hour, which is on the high end of an employee level massage therapist, but the low end if I worked for myself. Its completely feasible though. An average of $8-12 dollars in tips at that compensation would see me on equal earnings with Hubby, if I maintained my current tutoring schedule.

In a way it boggles the mind, that a $10 difference in salary could put me on par with a Researcher at a prestigious university. It almost makes it worth the effort to market myself. Being realistic however, I have 0 skill at selling myself. When panhandling once (for charity) I entirely earned my money by silently pouting at people pitifully in the rain because calling out was entirely too mortifying. If I won't do it for charity, I certainly won't do it for myself.

Still, I'm making great efforts to spend less money, and looking for ways to increase our income as well. I've joined a barter site that lets you trade services with your skills alone. I think its wonderful. Its paying for me and MJ's hair cut and color, for the price of four hour long massages. Its quite a fair trade, if a touch generous on my end.

It also lists a dental practice, and even child birth classes as things I can barter for. Thats really awesome for me. There of course are other services to be found, but those are the ones on my mind right now.

Thats pretty much it. Im just thinking of ways to increase our finances so Hubby wont worry as much. I wanted a record of the price range I need to be looking for, and some easy ways to substitute service for services.

Also? Child tried to return her sex toy last week 'because its boring'. I was shocked, and told her it wasnt meant to be exciting, it was to serve a function, and if she didnt want it, she could do without. My job is not to titillate her senses but to help her grow as an adult. Ugh.

1 comment:

college kid said...

I appreciate that you are making efforts to save/make more money. I feel like I almost have to stress out about it because no one else is.

You might consider making a website to advertise if you ever do decide to go beyond bartering and get serious about doing your own massage business. I could try to help you with my limited knowledge on making a website. At the very least it will look more legit than just a post on craigslist or simbi.

I'm confused how a sex toy could be boring unless you aren't using it weird.