Saturday, September 5, 2009


is about ALL that I've done today. Well, that's not QUITE true:

-Stayed up and ate breakie with bf and sorta RB this morning.
-Sent bf off to work since he didn't want to go.
-Sat around reading for a while.
-RB came back, I left at 10 30 for a meeting that wasn't until 11 30. It took 15 minutes to get there.... (#*$&%&^%*$$)
-Blogged a little in a hurry.
-Returned home after buying breakfast for RB and myself. *Yuummm scones*
-Could only eat half of my scone, went to sleep. TT-TT
-Woke up to meeting one of our boyfreinds from upstairs...I waved and said my name, and drifted back off to sleep.
-Woke up to RB leaving for class.....drifted off....
-Woke up to bf waiting at the door. (How long was he waiting....?) YAY!
-Played with bf for maybe 20-30 minutes, then his parents picked him up from my place....booooo
-Went back to sleep....til I woke up to RB leaving for work
-Went back to sleep...til I had to use the restroom...then I felt like being up...
-Got up, read a bit, felt like showering, figured I should eat, so!
-Fixed dinner, left it to 'cook' and 'cool'
-Took a shower, ended up incredibly hungry by the time I got out
-Ate a few bites, and felt sick. Had to eat really slowly, even though my tummy was rumbling so much. *sniffle sniffle*
-Drank Ginger Ale to help it get settled.
-Got tired again, so went back to bed
-Woke up to RB asking if I wanted anything to eat from her job...I declined...tummy too unpredictable....
-Woke up to roomie coming in....and showering....i wanted to talk to her...but my mind was so fuzzy....
-Woke to my alarm, snoozed, woke, snoozed, got up!
-Ate some olives and cheese. (Odd, but interesting. I thought I could keep them down)
-Also got two croissants out and ate them, but it was so loud opening them that I felt really bad....RB had just gone to bed a little earlier
-Came in to work to discover that the computer was down and the person i was relieving wasn't very adept with technology. *sigh* we fixed it, but I had to log for her and it seemed like I logged in late again.....*cry*
-Am eating mochi right now, and just drank the rest of my 20 ounce bottle of water.....*sigh* i need to go refill it....but TJ is talking to me.

Yeps, that's everything for me today! Just about....*shrug* No biggie, right? Tons of sleepage, and a little bit of eating, and slight consciousness. Now I have a slight headache, and I'm still really tired....but I'm meeting up with AS tomorrow at Crabtree Valley mall. YAY!

Hmmm....I'm gonna find a video to put up. My blog has been boring lately. AND WHY IS MY JOB ALWAYS SO DAMN COLD?!?!??!?!?!

Interesting...the Dub is horrible, but I bet the correct language would make all the difference:

Music Video as usual. I love how they say "Bad":


college kid said...

Hey sweetie, I am probably not going to get back til like 4 or 5 pm. You will probably be sleeping anyway. I love you. Goodnight.

Caitlin said...

You should update.