Sunday, December 13, 2009

I swear....hiccups are gonna expel my innards someday.

Okies, so Rozy and Piney have updated. I feel honor-bound to do the same. ^///^ I'll think of a title later.

Questions that Study Abroad is asking me to answer:
1. Why have you chosen to study abroad and what do you hope to gain from the experience? You may wish to discuss how your study abroad experience will fit into your career plans, intellectual/personal growth, and educational goals.


2. List three ways that you think life in your country will be similar to life in the U.S. and three ways that you think it will be different. Please elaborate on what led you to these conclusions and how you plan to cope with these similarities and differences when you are studying abroad.

Okies, so first off, my niece is now SIX years old! (I just realized how funny it would be if I misspelled 'six' as 'sex' instead. Awkward...) It was a LONG day! First, I woke up at 2 am so I could shower before I went in to work. Then I went into work. After I got off work, I left straight off from there and drove home, needing to pee and feeling hunger the whole way. Then when I got into town I didn't know where to go first. So I waited for a stoplight so I could dial my mommy's number and ask where I should go. But I didn't catch a stoplight until WALMART which, btw, is like 20 minutes into town towards my place. By that point I figured I'd just go to my sis's place. At least you can count on Walmart to hold up traffic. I got ahold of my mom, who then requested I come to her place and run errands for her until she thinks my sister will be up, but I'm already on my way to my sis's, and I need to PEEEEEEE!!! So I tell her as politely as possible, no. She gets pissy, even when Papa volunteers to do the bidding that she was gonna have me do. *shrug* I have to go, I'm driving. So I get there, and one sissy is awake, (Cin) one sissy is asleep (Chris) and one brudder is awake.

**I interupt my daily rendition of my boring days to bring you this moving email portion. It's not the whole thing, merely the one part that moved me to tears.**

"Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...
Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had
miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness.. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.

I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, 'Yes I'll do it if it will save her.' As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded.

He looked up at the doctor and asked with a
trembling voice, 'Will I start to die right away?'

Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her but he had chosen to save her anyway." -Very touching to me

Okay, back to your regular recounting of my taxi-service exploits:

So, I woke up my sis, told both of them I was starving and we were going to breakfast at Bojangles, and then we were off. I paid for breakfast (cause it was me that insisted we eat) and we ate, with them TRYING and FAILING to rush me. Eventually I said "Look here, I'm driving, and once I get some food in me, I'll be nice, but for right now, shut the fuck up and let me eat my damned food" but I wasn't being mean about it. They laughed and I smiled and we talked some more. It was FREEZING outside. We then went to mom's place where I picked up a gift and scooted out of there since no one was there anymore and I felt awkward about being there with just a sister. Then we went and sis withdrew her pay from her new job (whoot whoot she works!) and we bought Mimi's birthday cake and groceries to feed the children. It was pretty, but small. That's okay though, it just means it'll get gone while it's still fresh and delicious. Then we went to dollar general, bought tons of stuff for both kids but where my card was rejected because my sister tried to use it. I ended up borrowing money from her to pay for my purchases. (With my permission, but I couldn't remember the password, and I felt awkward telling them it anyway) So I then took them to the dollar tree to find what we couldn't at Dollar General. (Yes, we're cheap, but our hearts are in the right place) The tiara just wasn't to be found though, so Mommy had to go on a search for it. Then I called my bank, had to go to the bank and reset my pin and everything, all before taking everyone back to my sister's place and decorating and wrapping gifts for Mimi. After just a little while (I only got to wrap two gifts and put one set of streamers up) I had to go pick up Mimi and drop off her inhalor. Her teacher immediately knew I was Mimi's aunt, so I was a little bit freaked. She didn't ask for ID or anything. Just let me take the little girl. I was kinda like (0.o); You're just gonna give her to me? Do we look that much alike? (Incidentally, I visited the people Cin was staying with, and as soon as I walked in the door, they were like "Daaaaamn, what'd you do to piss Cin off so bad that her daughter came out looking just like your ass?" so I guess we look alike. No one doubts that she's my daughter when we go out together. *shrug* But anyway, I had to buy some time so they could finish getting things ready, and I ask her where she wants to go, and the ONLY place she wants to go is THE PARK. In 40-50 degree weather. That was SHOT DOWN, especially since her sleeve was wet from washing her hands. So I took her to PetSmart, where she could look at the animals. Then I got the call to come back, and we drove back. As soon as we enter the door, (I make her enter first) she has a ton of people singing happy birthday to her, and I never got to see her face. *frown* We didn't have a camera. But she turns and buries her head in my legs immediately after. She's smiling up a storm. Then we lead her over and make her blow out her candles. We give all the kids root beer floats which most of them don't like, but the ones that DO like it, like a LOT, and then we give them cake, after that ice cream, and then whoever wants hot dogs we give them those too. All of them are fine with lining up, which is a little strange to me, but hey, i'm not complaining. So we feed them sweets, then real food, then let them run off and play. The whole time, I'm waiting to catch Mimi, and actually start a nickname that caught on for the day. ^_^ The theme was "Princess" so I titled her "Princess Mimi" and caught on. She played with her freinds and I was happy for her. There was one incident that annoyed me though.
You see, someone gave her these cool gel pens, and she and three other children were using them. Her mom got mad about it and was like "Those are MIMIS! Keep away from them!" but they were just playing with her, because she WANTED them to! In fact, one of them was writing "Happy Birthday" on the paper for Mimi. It makes me SO MAD when a parent gets all righteous over their child's 'rights' and such when the child does NOT CARE! The only one feeling slighted is the parent! When the child says something, or acts imposition-ed, THEN the parent should take action, not before. It's no fun playing with your toys by yourself. I should know....
Anyway, then my mom calls and says how she doesn't want to come get the children, but that Chay is having a friend stay over, and that Mimi is also going to be staying the night at my parent's house, so could I bring them. *shrug* So I do, when Mimi is ready to leave. So once I drop them, I take my cousin Christmas shopping with me, and we stay gone for an hour or two, and when we come back, I get excited and wrap gifts. My cousin also helps. She's totally wrapped around her boyfreind, but she's only 14, and he's 17! I don't wanna think about what he can convince her to do.....V_V But she tells me all about their 'adventures'. Better for her to tell me than for no one to know. That way, when it gets to be serious, maybe she'll listen to my advice and not end up pregnant. Hopefully. *sigh*
Anyway, eventually, I can't stand to be awake any longer, so my niece and I go to bed together (I'm napping and she's sleeping for the night). It takes three tries to get me up, but I get up and drive back to school at 12 am. I end up going 95 at one point, and realize I'm pretty stupid. I didn't get caught, but damn, I could have. Then I get called in to work early because the girl before me ended up sick. *sigh*

After all that, I've taken my last final on Tuesday, then I've had to hang around school due to work. I'm working eight hours straight tonight, and then I'll be driving home. I have two friends staying in my room for the night cause they needed a place to stay. Peeps that graduated in my year will know them.
I've lost my roommate. Again. Damn it. I wonder if I'm gonna get another or if I'll have the room to myself. There's no telling, really. I'll prolly get a new one. *sigh* Oh well.
I'm only missing TJ and Mr. Asshole a present for Christmas.....V_V I don't know. See, Cin told me that Mr. Asshole got me a gift, and that she KNOWS I will love it. I don't know WHAT to do about it. I really don't. I can't not accept it, cause that's just utterly horrible behavior that I cannot condone. I can't accept it and give nothing back, but I honestly don't know what, if anything, I should give him. >.< GEEZ! This is so annoying! AUGH! And I know what I wanna give TJ, but I don't have the money right now. *sigh*
I'm watching a series with bf right now, and I don't know if this'll show, but this character Madara from Natsume Yuujinchou is my favorite. He's beautiful and powerful, and I'm sure bf has other things to say that are similar to me.....grrrr...

Also, to Rozy, >.< I was just thinking the other day how I need to get your anime back to you. I'll try to return it over the break! I come home tomorrow, but I'm not certain I even have enough gas to get home, let alone go out after that. As soon as I have gas and time, I'll run over to your place, k? ;x; Til then, I'm afraid I'll have to keep hold of them.....

Hmmm...I seem to be all caught up. Oh, a video. Give me a few minutes. Okay, here's two awesome ones:

BTW, I've been trying to post this post for the last week! Compie finally cooperated.

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