Saturday, March 6, 2010

Zero Comments.....

At first, I felt bad that I hadn't even checked my blog in a week. Then, I checked for any comments. And there were nada. So, I no longer feel any guilt. Suck on those eggs.

ROZY! You were in the emergency room?! O_O I really hope you're okay!!!! ;_; Also, where do you work? I'm super curious.

I just found out bf also does not like strawberries.

I am super tired. I've been at work for the past 7 hours. I've read manga for just about the entire time. I'm a REALLY bad student! (IxI) Oh well. I'm going on a trip with bf today to a historic site. I have to write a paper on it. Makes me a little nervous, since I'm so tired. I worry I won't notice everything I should. Hmmm...I think its time I compile a new list of things I need to be doing.

-Filling out Japan Application
-Telling my mom about being a sponsor while I'm in Japan, since I don't have 10,000 dollars to my name.....I'm seriously dreading that....
-Japanese homework
-Read the rest of Wuthering Heights. *sigh*
-Catch up on my reading assignments for Jap Lit too....
-Call kk, and babydaddy, and Rozy too!
-Buy Chay's birthday gift...
-Do a Research Paper for my Psych class....and the reading questions
-Write a paper for my History class
-While we're discussing papers, I need to do one on GenjinoMonogatari as well
-Not to mention the Historic Site Paper I'm getting material for today

....Can I commit suicide now?....No....that's against my beliefs....could a miracle come and knock me the f*** out please?

I'm really cussing far too much. I need to work on it. I was just thinking a little while ago that I would like to hear myself when I talk to these drunk people and guests, and then record that and my voice when I talk with my freinds and loved ones. I bet I sound sickening. I unconsciously heighten my voice, and speak softer, with more formal speech. *sigh* I'm such a fake. But its my natural reaction now....I do it before I realize it. I also smile a lot more, and seem much more easy to please. *frown* It's true that someone being polite to me when I'm in that mode does make me happy. But it still feels like a lie.

My hair is nice lately. ^_^ It makes me happy. I really need to use the restroom. *scramblescramble* I should....go now....brb....

I forgot my social obligations
-Email the Japan club members about doing an obstacle course....ugh...
-Make a Kimono Presentation for Club
-Maybe be a go between for a Grand Asia Market Trip
-Sex Fair....*sigh* Must make fetish Dart Board

Okay. I'm gonna try and not focus on those things. I think I will focus on today. I'll pick up bf...And we'll go to Dunkin' Donuts for breakie. Then bf will drive to the site, and I can read on the way. Then We'll explore the site all day, until I know what it's all about! Then we'll drive to a bookstore, and then I can relax with my bookies. Then we'll drive back, and I'll shower and then sleep til my next shift at work~! Sounds great....except I feel like collapsing right now. *sigh*

So...I once again forgot to post this, even though I wrote it hours ago. Eheheh...Sorry? Trip was good, I had fun, and got to nap on the way there. I wonder why bf's driving makes me feel so sick? I don't mean to complain when he drives, but I feel like my tummy is gonna jump out my throat....Egh. Anyways, I'm soooo sleeping now! G'night~!

1 comment:

college kid said...

hey sweetie, if you're feeling overwhelmed, know that i can always help you if you need it. maybe not so much with the hw, but with things like the fetish board i could probably help you as long as you tell me what to do.