Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Updates in November

Hubby is rubbing my foot for me, since it's been hurting without any reason that I can remember. He's pretty good for a beginner. ^.^

I had lots of things I wanted to blog about, but I don't have much time, and my mind goes blank when I finally sit down to write a post. Sorry.... I guess I'll do some news.

Hubby and I got a crockpot and a blender! Yay! They're not bad. :3 Me likey. I made a chicken in it on Monday, when we made dinner for my student and her husband.

I taught her today, actually. We talked about being grateful to each other (she gives me treats as payment), and when I used the white board for the first time, she said "Wow, so you really are a teacher!" I was bemused because I've been teaching for years, but it was only validated once I used a board....

We went to a haunted house on Saturday, and though we got there around 7, we didn't get in the house until 8 30. I had to be home to get ready for work by 9:15, so we kind of panicked our way through a lot of the house. It wasn't nearly as fun when we were worried about getting out in time. The monsters wouldn't help us out, which put on this added pressure, and by the end of it, hubby was in such a hurry to get out that he didn't wait for me, and pushed me forward. Of course that means I fell over, and we were pretty unhappy with each other. He was all "Why'd you fall over?" and I was all "Why'd you push me?? I obviously stopped for a reason!" (Answer: I felt a ledge and was trying to see if it was safe to just step over)

We've gotten even more lovey-dovey than we used to be, and it's a little embarrassing, but I like knowing he's loving me. He calls me cute way too often, and at really weird times. Often he says I'm cute when I'm complaining about something.

Nowadays I never wanna go to work. I think my body even protests, cause I start feeling sick when I realize I have to go to work. I get hit on a LOT more than I would expect a security officer to. I sit in a car for ten hours, and get attitude from the clients if I contact them without a good reason, but they contact me for no good reasons sometimes. Of course once I'm there I usually feel alright, unless someone's smoked in the car or something. The cars really smell wrong to me a lot, which doesn't help my stomach. The work is easy, but tedious, and I don't know that I can do my best at it. I've drifted off a few times, and that makes me feel very ashamed and unprepared to do my work. Momma said I just need to get more sleep, but that's hard when they do yard work every day through out the day, when I'm trying to sleep. My body also automatically wakes up after six hours, and I need more than that to make it through the night.

I made a chocolate swirl cheesecake for our couple-get-together on Monday. It was pretty good, but the irony amused me. The lactose-intolerant one made a dairy dessert. We both liked it, and actually finished it off last night (It's only Wednesday now).

That reminds me. Often while I'm at work, I find myself thinking about fate, karma, god, and irony. I'm not sure I believe in fate. I may believe in karma (if only to keep thoughts of revenge in check), and while I don't at all believe in god, I absolutely believe in irony. I know, you're probably thinking that irony isn't on par with the other terms and ideas, but really, I think it is. It's like Murphy's Law, except you can predict it. Well, you can predict it so long as you only think your predictions. Anything you SAY will be subject to the laws of irony. For example: "I'm not going to make a mistake with this cake! I've made it tons of times." Of course, that will be the time you make some phenomenal error, like forgetting to put in the eggs. (Actually, I've done that.) But if you say "I'm not sure how well I'm gonna do. I've only made this a few times...." it should turn out quite delicious. I say again: irony. Examine your lives, see the truth! Irony rules us! *cough cough* Anyway....

I've gotten to liking this song quite a bit. I hope you like classical music.

It makes me think I should practice my flute some time, but I don't want to bother the neighbors. I also don't want to go out of my way to practice, because it's just bothersome. Sad isn't it, for someone who was once First Chair in their band? Ah well, that's life.

I need to start getting ready for work now. Maybe I'll remember what I want to blog about some time when I have the time to spare. I never seem to get around to it on my 'days' off. :P Til then,



college kid said...

I didn't push you, I ran into you. It looked like a clear, open space so I was surprised you stopped. I was looking ahead because I thought I could see the exit. So I'm sorry for knocking you over, but I didn't expect you to stop.

Caitlin said...

^^ I see this issue hasn't quite been cleared up yet... hehe.

Yay for the updates! I'm sorry your work sucks. Maybe it will just take a while for you to like it? Alec was excited for the first time about going to work today, after 3 months. He gets hit on at work, too... :/

I once forgot to put the brown sugar in cookies... Yuck.

Am I the only one who finds it really, really hard to read the word verification thingies?

Caitlin said...

She also forgot to put the sugar in ice cream, hehe -Alec

ps: You aren't the only one who finds these thingies hard to read.

college kid said...

The issue has been cleared. I wasn't paying attention to her stopping, and she got mad at the accidental knocking over that followed. I think we have both moved on from it, I was just telling my side of the story.

...this is why I disabled the word verification thingies on mine, though it is prolly better for Jme to do this on hers to prevent some random bot from commenting on her posts with spam....or she could just make it private....though now that you bring it up, I am pretty sure yours has comment verification on it even though it is a private blog, and it is pretty annoying.

Runa said...

lol. Talk about comments! Heheh, I made a punny. '__' I don't like getting hit on. It's flattering, but mostly it's just stressful. Thankfully it's wound down. I think it was my smile. I've changed how I smile at work, and only got hit on once the entire week. Yay for fake smiles? :(