Sunday, September 21, 2014

So she has a boyfriend....

And had him since the first or second week of school, before breaking up because she thought Tenshi was hotter, and getting back together with him after she realized Tenshi's a jerkwad. She decided to tell us about her little bf today. I'm unimpressed with how long she kept it from us, and happy she chose a boy based on his humor, and not his face.
She's also utterly in love with the series Cardcaptor Sakura, and wishes she was Sakura. While I clearly remember feeling similar when I was younger, I also am fairly sure I didn't chatter on and on and on about it like she has been.
She also has strong tastes in furniture, so it's not my fault if I pick out ugly things deliberately to mess with her. She's practically begging for it. Also, she bought herself a little locker. By little, I mean about 8 in x 4 in x 4in. For her 'secrets'. I honestly have no clue. But damn if I'm not checking on that locker periodically.
MJ and I will be watching Sailor Moon together (the new series that just came out) because she wants to watch/read it. And because I also want to watch it.

Ahem. Now onto less pleasant matters.

I am honestly sick and tired of being told that I act like I'm better than everyone else, that I talk like I'm above them, that I'm stuck up, etc.
I don't feel that way. When I speak confidently, it's because it's something I've learned, and I always think others want to learn too. Obviously that is wrong to believe at times, or at least it is according to my experience. Or obviously I'm not respectable enough that people want to hear knowledge from me. I'm not sure which, and honestly don't care very much.
I do care that I get that same complaint so often, because if I get it so much, it might be true. I don't really see HOW it's true, but it certainly can be. I don't believe in one person being better than another, but apparently I might project that idea that I actively disbelieve. Or people might be too insecure. That's what my mom always said, anyway.
I'm having an issue with a coworker that really does seem to have a time management problem, though she swears she doesn't, and that it's her time to do with as she pleases anyway, and shouldn't affect me. So she wants me to butt out of her business, except that it's affecting me far more often than she seems to believe.
I think, if I didn't have Hubby and MJ, this situation would be like a mini-crisis to me, but because I have a life, and a rather busy one at that, it's honestly taking like, 10% of my attention. I don't really care, as long as we can still work moderately well together. By moderately, I mean 'stop making me late for stuff, woman!' and 'I want to be able to talk too!' and that's..... essentially my entire complaint. She steamrolls over every attempt I make to talk, or be part of a conversation, even one when it's just the two of us. Seriously, she's so unproductive with her words! She takes ten sentences to convey a one-sentence idea! As the black lady meme goes 'Aint nobody got time for that!'
*shakes head* Honestly, on my end, that's about it. I don't really care about her, or her problems, so long as she stops interfering with my timing. I really honestly HATE having my timing screwed with.

Oh, hey, guess what? In the last month, I have redeveloped sciatica (I didn't know what it was when I had it before, but now I know!), and have developed tendonitis in my gastrocnemius tendons! Both of these things are bad, btw, I'm just excited that I know what they are and not writhing in pain without knowing why. I also found a great massage therapist in the making whom I truly wish to barter with when he gets his license.

Something that truly confuses me, is just how flaky most of the massage therapists I've met are. I mean, they are conscientious, kind people that just blow you off if you're not a paying customer! And really, if you're bartering a service that you both badly need, you would think you wouldn't flake on that, even if you're not reaping a monetary reward. For someone like me, who always keeps her promises, it's an affront to be cancelled on not once, not twice, but three or more times! After the third time (Second if I'm not totally enamored of them), I just give up. Let them come to me. And they rarely do, so apparently I'm not very important. It's very frustrating.

And so I end my post, super frustrated (in oh so many ways)! Goodnight my dears!

This is interesting... Cute kids, interesting message.


college kid said...

*shrug* at least she told us about the bf eventually? Its not really a rule that she tell us about the bf. And its not like they are going to do much without our approval.

april said...

nooo :( sad for pain coming back.

you can't please everyone all of the time, so do what you will knowing that.