Thursday, May 14, 2015

New life rule:

When you get a thrill of fear and trepidation in your stomach every time your phone buzzes, you're not in a good situation and should find your way out of it.

How I learned this: I took on a new job recently. I was a Personal Assistant for a guy that was the President of a company, CEO of another, and did other things as well. I guess I'm still employed with him, but he's scaling back anything he's told me to do, and only wants me for the Japanese portion that he originally hired me for now. I'm fine with that, but a little ashamed it didn't work out. On the other hand, if I'd continued to be competent, he'd have just piled more and more on me, until I *did* reach this point, I think.

Why I'm no longer a full-PA: It's a funny story.... We'll call my employer Dr. D, and his roommate Baby B. Dr. D swears he left a house key for me on the desk, but it wasn't there. I cleaned and organized the entire room and couldn't find it. So I asked if I could make a copy of Baby B's key, and by the time that got 'ok'ed, it was 7 p.m. I should have clarified on when he expected it back, but I didn't, and that was my mistake. Instead of going that night, making the key, and returning his, I kept it overnight and made the copy in the morning.
Now normally, someone's just sleeping at their house at night, so it wouldn't matter, right? Well he apparently works nights, but no one told me that. When I was asking 'Are you sure its ok?' he replied 'Yeah, I've got the codes, I'm good' or something, and I took that to mean Codes=Key, he'll be okay til the next day. Essentially a simple miscommunication.
Well, this miscommunication turned into a double-paned window being broken, police called, and hours of recriminations. I'm not going into all of it because I just don't care to remember anymore. It should really have been a terrible day, and I should really have probably reached a point where I was crying and whining and apologizing, but I didn't. I'm kinda shocked at all of it, and very, deeply, sympathetic to the situation I unwittingly put Baby B into. He was locked out of his home, had to break a window to get in, and then got woken by police trying to 'clear' the home. All because some chick he barely knows couldn't find a key.
So yes, I'm the bad guy here, and I'm really sorry about it. But I'm also not responsible for the window. If he didn't have his key, why would he lock the door? Leave the back door open if you need to go out. That's what Mom always taught us.
There were wrongs on both sides. I don't think that's a good reason to let him mock me and question my abilities and intelligence any further though. I understand why he's angry, and he was very angry, but the anger should burn itself out, and I don't know if it will. I'm not going to accept continued recriminations after today. One day's worth is enough.
To be fair, my job was scaled back for another reason that kind of 'piled on top' of this one. Dr D had some medicines he needed before the weekend, but the total cost to get it to him was waaaay higher than he expected. He called me expensive and said he'd be calling in a previous admin to take over the duties I was given. These duties include: Closing up his room, paying his bills, going through his mail, planning his trip, and cleaning up his house, it seems. It was way beyond the scope of what he originally asked me for. I'm not exactly happy to be 'dismissed' but I'm also definitely not unhappy.

So yeah, this was my day. On a more interesting note, I had acupuncture again. But I also had my birth control removed on Tuesday, so my body is all over the place, and my energy is rebounding rather strongly. So this session, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep, but I was utterly aware of my body, and if I dreamed, I'd already forgotten it by the time I got off the table.

That's all, I think.


april said...

The whole employment situation is interesting. Sounds like an informal set-up.

I've had patients tell me about their weight gain when on the BC you were on, too

Caitlin said...

Stressful day. :/

Runa said...

It was certainly stressful, but I wouldn't term it bad. I do get flashbacks while I'm working sometimes though, and it makes me uncomfortable.

Yeah, I already don't crave half the crap I was always eating when I was on it. I'm sure I'm losing weight already. Just gotta refrain from eating when I don't want to! >:D