Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bf didn't blog....boooooo

So today, I really learned that it's a small world.

-The guy I've been training at that new place that's 45 minutes from my house? Yeah, he goes to the same college as me, lived in the same dorm as me, and I'd met him before. We both found this out today, but we met yesterday.
-The manager guy that I SWORE I knew? Yeah....he was my neighbor when I was growing up. His little sister was my 'freind' and she tried to steal my best friend from me. I got a looooong lecture from the other girls in the neighborhood for going in his room one time. My sisters gave him his first drink til you puke experience. V__V Vodka. And he still remembers when I hit him with a stick. Hard. And possibly repeatedly.
-The lady that makes the sushi is from the same island as both the chefs at the other workplace I normally work at. She's really nice, even if it's a little difficult to talk to her.

I baked choco cookies today because I ate mom's Subway cookie. One of them was teddy bear shaped. Yay me.

I watched TV. Series' of it. Just kept staring. It was like marathon day for me.

I finally cleaned my ears with alcohol and feel like they're clean. I've been really irritated by them lately.

Saturday I get my hair done. Yay me. It can't come fast enough. Seriously. COME ON!!!

I didn't get to talk to bf. I feel like I was sposed to contact Rozy recently....*tilts head* Dunno....I'm absentminded.

I cashed my check today, but put the majority of it up. I'm already kinda strapped for cash.

Mom leaves on Sunday to go to Alabama. She won't be back til Tuesday. Supposedly. And Ninny is seriously trying to shove herself up my mom's butt.

I need hugs. I've had like....2. Today. That is wrong. On SOOOO many levels.

I did laundry! Yay! And the suds covered 2/3 of the front of the washer. It was bad. lol.

If I don't blog again, Happy Fourth of July everyone!

1 comment:

Runa said...

And btw, just cause I didn't mention bf alot, doesn't mean I didn't think about him. It means I held myself back. I don't think anyone else wants to hear about the mushy things I want to say except maybe him.