Monday, July 6, 2009

I'm restricted now.

And honestly, logically, I'm glad. It means I can chill out and not do anything. Her damned ass fault. So, today, I thought I had work. I went to work. They told me I didn't. So I ended up on standby today. *shrug* So then I dropped by my sis's place. I'd been promising my brother and the kids I'd take them to the museum for the last month. And today was supposed to be one of the three days that damned museum is open. Well, I go to sis's she takes apart my phone so that she can get her contacts off her sims card, and then asks me to go get toilet paper for her. I had to use the bathroom rather badly, so I do. I also pick up some suckers for me and the kids (and Bubba) and a bandage for my wrist. It's been hurting lately. I overuse it at work. So then I get back, use the bathroom, and we all go to the museum. On the way, Bubba gets nasty with the kids. So I wait for his precious song to end, and then turn the radio off, the better for him to hear me. I told him that he is just as easily dropped off as the kids are. Any fighting means the car is turning around. So everyone cooperates. We get there. And there's a sign on the door saying 'Closed. Will be back at 12:00 PM'. It was 1:01 PM. And no one was there. So that was a fail. And Bubba started showing his ass about a different museum he really really really really really wanted to go to, no matter what. The kids were all "Museum? Where? I WANNA GO!" so I was like, "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine." I really didn't want to go, but I DID! Because IM A GOOD SISTER!!!! So we get there.....and it's closed on Mondays. Yes peeps, it ALSO was closed. So then I was like, okay look, there's an airplane museum right near here, lets go there. So we go. We get out, I lock us up with the door like I usually do, we get out, take like 3 steps towards the museum, and some nice peeps tell us it's closed. Every Monday. Except Federal Holidays. WTF????? So we go to get back in the car, I realize my purse got left in the car, and I'm like. "Oh shit." I'm dreading it, but I pull on the door anyway, and yeps, the car is locked. With us outside it. So I call my sis, hoping she knows who to call for this. (I was thinking like AAA or something, you know, the peeps you call and they're like, "Give me confirmation number, your car is now unlocked, have a nice day") but NOOOOOO, she tells me mom is back from Alabama, and to call her. So I do. And Mom is like, where are you, how do you get there, bye. I had to use Bubba's phone to call. So then the kids and I wander around a bit, reading the memorandums and such, and an hour or two later, mom shows up. She's like, get in the car, lets go unlock my car. So she unlocks it, loads me up with Bubba, takes the kids, tells me to follow her, and takes off. You's easier to follow a person when they're not in the fast lane going over the speed limit. Just a note for future reference MOM! But anyway, I know she's mad at me for some reason, she only said it wasn't because I got locked out of the car. So she lets me stew, thinking of all the reasons she could be mad. 1. I drowned her plants (accidentally. I TOLD her not to leave them to me). 2. I didn't clean the house up like I normally do. 3. I drove to three different museums in one day and still had nothing to show for it. 4. Heck I don't know, whatever. It didn't occur to me that she was mad that I drove to a museum at all. Apparently in her warped mind she told me I could only go straight to work and back while she was gone. Because she wasn't here to bail me out when I get into trouble. Because she's a control freak who thinks that I'm not able to do shit by herself. I asked her for gas money before she left. I didn't want to spend the last bit of money I had on gas when I wouldn't be paid for another week and a half. I never said it was strictly for going to work and back. That never entered the conversation. But apparently that's how she took it. In her warped little world, I only wanted to go to work and back for an entire weekend since she wasn't here. *bats eyelashes* Aren't I an adorable sight of family dependency? *sickly sweet smile* ^_^ Fuck off. I have a life. Let me live it. She's such a control freak, what does she think we'll do when she's not around anymore? Fall to pieces? The others might, but I won't. I won't like it, but I certainly won't ball up and be unable to live. I think this will likely be the last summer I spend at Mom's home. It's time I got my own life and my own place to live. She's had too much control over me for too long. Generally I don't care, since I'm too lazy to try to disobey if it isn't interesting, and honestly it's a little scary pissing her off, but in my humble opinion, pissing me off is a greater problem than her. If I'm still mad in the morning, it'll be war. I don't like war. It takes more energy then riding out waves does. It even takes more energy than creating barriers that make the waves flow in different directions does. And I don't like expending my energy. I don't have much left, living here. My stomach is rebelling, my family is pissing me off, and I'm seriously thinking about how much easier it'd be to just move away, cut myself off from them, and live on my own without contacting them. -_- I'd never forgive myself in the future if I did though..... At least, not yet I wouldn't. *sigh* I'll prolly blog again later. Oh, before I forget. I cut someone off for the first time yesterday. It was an accident, I didn't see them, but it was still incredibly educational. Buh-bye.

This video starts off a little slow, but it gets better as it goes on. I like the last minute or so.

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