Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Well, I don't really know what to name this post.....

Some humor courtesy of Not Always Right.com to start things off:

Marital Bliss In All Its Forms, Part 3
Tech Support | Sydney, Australia

(A husband and wife couple have me on speakerphone so that they can get help troubleshooting. I’m typing up some notes while their PC reboots, which they can apparently hear…)

Customer: “Wow, that sounds like a machine gun. ‘That your typing, sweetheart?”

Me: *laughs* “Yeah, it is… I can type pretty fast.”

Customer: “You married at all?”

Me: “Nope, not yet. Why do you ask?”

Customer: “Doesn’t surprise me love, with fingers that fast you don’t need a man!”

Me: *mouth agape*

(Suddenly, I hear a smacking noise followed by the man cursing.)

Customer’s wife: “Ignore Ron… he’s a pig, dear. He’s lucky he’s married himself. I’m sure you’re lovely.”

Customer: “Isn’t it time a house fell on you, my darling wife?”

Me: *mouth still agape*

Yes, that was indeed amusing to me. Next, I've been having trouble with my brother. The one that is ten years older than I am. First, he demands I take him home to get his new SIM card for his phone, and when I do, he makes me wait for forever. So I decide to play with the baby. I'm amusing myself, so when he's ready, I'm not ready to leave yet. So I tell him we'll leave when I'm ready to. Yes, I was being somewhat spiteful, I hadn't wanted to be out of the house today. I was supposed to just help mom with her room today and that's it, but noooooo she sent me all over town running errands for her. But nothing major at all, until he started harrassing me about leaving. Then I told him that if he wanted to cop an attitude he could just stay there, because I certainly wasn't going to let him in my car. He shut up after that, and I prepared to leave. My sister's on her period and feeling closed in because of the kids. *shrug* I did what I could, and then gave it up. Told him it was time to go, and we left. I was listening to the music, so I didn't really notice it til we pulled up at the house, but Bubba didn't say a word the whole way back. Then while he went back into the house (I think he stormed but I wasn't really paying attention to him) I got mom's errands from the back and checked the mail. As I was walking over to the mailbox, I looked up and saw him walk in, and I thought I heard him shut and lock the door. The whole way up the yard I was wondering if he had, and if he didn't know that I had a key and could just unlock it....But as I was starting to insert the key, mom opened the door (yes, it was locked) and ruined my experiment. I held up the key and said "I was opening it" and she said that I didn't need to. *shrug* Then I held up her bags and told her I'd done what she wanted. She mentioned that half of the cigarrettes she made me buy were supposed to have gone to Ninny's house. I'd forgotten, so I turned around after handing her everything else out of that bag and told her i'd be back in an hour. I shut the door instead of listening to her ask me why I'd be taking an hour when Ninny lives two minutes away from us. I just didn't feel like being obedient. I stayed at Ninny's for a bit, petting her kitties that were absolutely loving to the extreme. =_= It was probably the highlight of my day along with walking the baby around. So soft and cuddly....Anyway! I went home to find that Bubba had locked the door again, and so I unlocked it, bringing in the drinks Ninny had given me for Bubba and myself. I called out that I was home and handed Bubba his drink. He accidentally said Thank you, and I told him it was from Ninny, not me. The day went on and the three of us worked on mom's room, moving tons of furniture, during which I proved I could move everything without his help, since he often stopped in the middle and I eventually just told him to get out of my way and did it myself. Later, I threw a fit because I wanted Beef Stew for dinner. Yeah...I've really been craving meat lately.....V______V
So, I ended up driving and getting a ton of groceries for the house.....*sigh* I went over the store twice looking for my coffee drinks, but didn't find it. I also didnt go down the drink isle....I didn't know there WAS one.....When I got home, I showed mom all the stuff I'd bought with her money, and put the soup on. It was made, and we ate while watching 48 hours....blerggggh. Then we watched Busted and Disgusted. It's an interesting show. But Bubba and I argued during 48 hours and he couldn't win against me, (mainly cause I'm rather apathetic) so he stewed in his anger til eventually he went to bed. As he moved past me, he farted in my face, and I yelled after him about how that was uncalled for, and had to explain to Mom what I was yelling about. *rolls eyes* Then she yelled back for him to 'Quit it!'. Yeah....real forceful and scary.....NOT! I feel slightly like I've lost, since my getting upset prolly gave him satisfaction, but the only way I would have won was if I'd literally attacked him and finally beat the shit out of him. And I don't think showing up at work beat up tomorrow would be in my best interest, but hey, I didn't want to not say anything and let him think he got away with it either. Oh well. It's not that important, it was just rank.
I have molars coming in, so my jaw has been rather painful lately. I don't like opening my mouth....X-x....Maya finally climbed up on my bed with me for the first time since having the kittens.
I wonder what's up with bf lately.....he's normally so focused on work, and it seems he's not prepared for his presentation tomorrow, which is amazingly odd for him. But I'm sure he'll pull it together. If I remember right, I hung up with him on Sunday so that he would be able to work on his presentation poster, so.....? *tilts head* Good luck!

I heard Dalila play this song for a girl with a similar sibling situation between sisters as the one that I have with my sisters, so I thought I'd add it in. It suits a ton of my relationships though, so I guess it's not solely dedicated to my family. (excluding Bubba. Once again, that thing was RANK)

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