Friday, August 14, 2009

Politics, Birds and Storms of the Heart

This is interesting.

My Political Views
I am a center-left social moderate
Left: 2.93, Authoritarian: 0.99

Political Spectrum Quiz

I don't know how accurate it is, but hey, I spent too long taking the quiz to just keep the results to myself. *shrug*

This is my first time working tonight. Right now. Oh yeah, babe. I'm working for that dollar right now. 4-8 am. I'm secretly dying, because I went to sleep at 10, and I have no idea when Bekah will be getting here today. @__@ I'm tired....but it's okay. I went to the bank today, and I have less than a hundred dollars left in my account. That was so scary I didn't know what to do. So for a while it's gonna be all work and no play. I finished the Constitution I needed to do, and I still need to work on my Application for Japanese Major (I know some ppl think I'm already registered to be one, but it just takes too long to explain that no, i'm still applying for it, and yes, i have every intention of majoring in japanese no matter what i have to do). I'll prolly devote most of my work time tomorrow to it. I have about an hour left and the sun is rising now. Of course, it's so cloudy that you can hardly tell. I love this weather. I signed up to cover someone's shift on Monday night from 12-4 am. *sigh* I'm so wonderful. Now I need to find out how OrgSync works and make an account there, so I can start getting involved in my JClub. I'm the VP, I need to be involved. I'm just too lazy normally to care without prodding. *sigh* I'm horrible. But I have anime to watch until my shift ends, so toodles~!

This was the best video YouTube had. I wonder why this song affects me so much when I'm so bothers my peace of mind....

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