Monday, July 22, 2013

I hesitate to exaggerate....

I like the way that sounds. It's also true. I can be confident, witty, and sweet, but when it comes down to it, I never make it past the applying stage.

..... This is depressing. The Vet Hospital I applied to still has an open position, but never contacted me. Why didn't I make the cut??? I'm calling tomorrow!! >.< I at least want to know why! I really liked the hospital and wanted the job. I still want the job.

I also have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to see how the medication is working with my thyroid. The meds usually make me sick, so I have to lay down for an extra hour in the mornings. I hope this meeting will help me adjust the dosage, and maybe adjust the side effects as well.

Then I have PT on Thursday, where I get to strengthen my poor, aching knee some more.

Hubby is being relied upon more at his Math work now. They've upped his hours from 12 to 16 (Weekly). Um. Yay more money?

We heard this song on the radio on our way home the other day. I've always enjoyed this song because it's appreciate of how hard raising kids and keeping house can be. It's not always difficult, but it wears you down quickly, in my opinion:


college kid said...

Yay new job!

Caitlin said...

Congratulations on your new job!!! I wish you well tomorrow!