Sunday, January 26, 2014

New weight loss goals

So, I don't know that I've really mentioned this this year, but I did make some resolutions. I resolved to jog once a week, and while I may have told Hubby about that one, I didn't mention the one I was secretly trying to do: cut down to one dessert a day. I know for some people (probably a lot) they only have dessert once a week. I seem to replace my meals with sweets when I have the opportunity, and I wanted to try to change that. So for the last month, I have struggled and tried, and it turns out that making those resolutions has resulted in the opposite effect. I haven't jogged once since the new year started, and I find myself eating sweets multiple times a day. The sweets thing actually worked for a few days. And then it was all over in the blink of an eye because I just WANT sweets. By 'I', I mean my body. And while I used to pride myself of my self-control, it's kind of gone to shit in recent years. So it's very difficult to deny myself something that I have the power and means to give.
Phew. I just worked out with Hubby for nearly an hour. We've decided that he'll be my 'personal trainer' to keep me going in the gym twice a week. I'm also going to ask my doctor about any diet aids he might recommend and any precautions I should take considering my hypothyroidism. Did you know if the dosage of your medicine is off, it can cause you to sleep a lot more, wake up tired, and have insomnia? It can also cause weight shifts, loss of mental-awareness and other not cool things. It's possible that the medicine's dosage has been off for a while, causing my body to think it needs more weight than it does. Honestly, my belly is so big now it's getting in the way of me doing stuff. If I ride a bike, my legs constantly bump my belly!! That's too big for me!! So I'm setting a goal. I want to lose two pounds a week. And I want to lose 30 pounds by our anniversary. If I do, I will be able to go and get glamour photos done again (since that was an incredible experience, but a little expensive so I don't want to do it more than once a year). If I don't, then I won't. Honestly, at my current weight and size, I wouldn't want to get them done anyway. My ideal weight is 180. I am about 50 pounds from that. ;___; But with Hubby's help, I think I can do it.
See, the thing about helping is this: I HATE being told no. I really dislike when someone says 'Uh, Runa, are you sure you should be eating that/doing that/etc.' and my obstinate streak rears its head. Even if I have to privately admit you're right, I shouldn't, Outwardly I have to bull forward and take it on, even if I might have changed my mind otherwise. I don't like it, I know it's just stupidly stubborn, but I've been fighting it for the last two years and haven't won yet, so I think it's safe to say I won't suddenly be okay when someone tells me I can't have something.
So back to helping: The most effective (by far) weight loss help I got was my host mom preparing the meals and encouraging me to bike places. Since Hubby isn't suddenly going to be a master chef that can cook low calorie yet filling meals, and since Austin isn't suddenly going to be a safe city for bikers to roam at will, we have to figure out other methods.
I believe I'm going to try to keep a food journal. It's rather effective at minimizing the food I eat because I simply don't want to admit to eating 10 cookies and two milk shakes in a day (that's an exaggeration) and my honesty compels me to be clear. I also think I will weigh myself and keep track of it in Excel each day so I can make graphs and notes for extenuating circumstances, or extraordinary results. These both come rather close to shaming methods, but I hope I can look at my weight and food choices with an eye toward learning and educating, not just being ashamed of myself constantly.
Since we just came back from the gym, I think I should start today. The only thing is, I've only had one meal today, and I'm getting hungry, so if I weigh and note food now, it won't be as accurate. If I just set a time each day to weigh myself, I think I can stick to it more. I think I'll choose midnight. Simply because I should be done with eating and trying to get to bed close to that time anyway, and this encourages it.
Speaking of sleeping, my insomnia is insane. I was up til past 7:20 this morning trying to get to sleep, and then woke up around 11:30 this morning because the people above us were moving stuff around, sliding around, or something that was repetitive, nonsexual, and extremely annoying. I was tired and angry enough that I actually grabbed our old swiffer and banged it on the ceiling. They did it twice more and then stopped. I always appreciate those that realize they're being asses and seek to correct their behavior.

I watched the grammys while working out, and was nearly brought to tears by the marriage ceremonies performed. I wonder if Queen Latifah is actually certified by the State of California to preside over marriages though... I can't find a video of it, it only happened an hour or so ago. Maybe I can find one later, or you can find one yourselves, but it was beautiful. Here's some more details about it.

Love ya'll!!


college kid said...

I'll do my best to support you in whatever way I can. Love you!

Caitlin said...

Good luck with your goals!

For me, if I eat sweets at all, I want 10 a day. What I have to do is completely stop myself from eating sweets for like 3 weeks. Then I don't crave them so bad. If I eat really even one sweet after that, I am sent into my normal I want sweets 10 times a day mode.

My goal this year is to not eat bread, which is just as bad as sweets. Now that I've started work, I've been drinking juice,too, which needs to stop.