Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cinco De Mayo

I think this video and song are cute. Mj and I like singing it together.

The day of 5 mayonnaises! Not really, but it amuses me to think so.

We took the Hellcat (above) back to APA. Manx wasn't able to carve out a niche here. Maya was repeatedly hunting him. He was so stressed he was marking everything, losing hair, and literally hid behind me to use his own water and food bowl. I just can't condone keeping an animal in that kind of situation if we don't have to. Here's another photo of him, with Maya stalking him in the background:

I like this song. It's kinda rock-ish, so maybe Aleckins will like it.

I haven't been able to get much work done for the PA job. I have so much I'm doing as a mom, and as a massage therapist that besides those three days, I really can't get much more time in. I could have worked on it this morning, but I was so tired, I couldn't stand to do much but sleep after the doctor's visit. 

I went to the doctor to check up on my bloodwork results. I'm in good health! I don't even have signs of hypothyroidism! Well, it's a little low, but it's not too bad, especially considering I haven't taken any medicine for it since October. I'm scheduled to get my BC taken out on the 12th, our anniversary is on the 15th, and I'm getting my nasty foot looked at on the 18th. I'm getting stuff done! I have a small chest cold, and need to pick up medicine he prescribed for that, but otherwise I'm good. 

MJ confided that she used to have panic attacks. She said she hasn't really had one since 3 days before she got out of school last year, but today she started getting dizzy and felt like she'd have one. She went to the nurse and laid down for a bit, felt better, and went back to class. We got freaked out because the school called my workplace (not us, not even once), and told them to tell me 'MJ's ok' and we were at the doctor. We were like 'We didn't even know she wasn't ok to start with. WTF??'

This video is horrible. I don't care if the monsters are CGed in afterward, it's terrible, and it made me cry. 

Also, I lost three pounds! Yay! I'm done now. 


college kid said...

The cat needed to go. He was just making our lives a bit more miserable. And he wasn't so much a companion for Maya as he was a target.

I think the fact that she didn't know what a panic attack was sorta spoke volumes. I think people have been telling her things and she has latched onto it and accepted it. Like maybe she was freaking out at some point and it was labelled as a "panic attack" when in fact it was just a little girl freaking out about something that wasn't really that big a deal. Lord knows she's done that plenty. And as far as I know, inhalers don't do shit for panic attacks. In fact, one article said to NOT do that as the medicine for asthma is designed to speed up heart rate, which makes panic attacks worse. She is very much a hypochondriac and someone has fucking enabled it for too long.

Caitlin said...

Glad Mia is okay. Sounds like you made a good call in getting rid of the cat. I had a friend give my family their second cat for the same reason when I was a teenager.

Kids! I like that song.