Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So...I got rather upset with bf tonight. I've been prodding my mom to spend time with me lately, and when we finally were, reading lolcats of all things, I told bf that i was talking with her. He waited a while, then wrote something along the lines of "If you're still playing with your mom, I think I'll head to bed" I mean, I know he's got to get up in the morning, and he's prolly not happy that I didn't get home til 10 tonight, but geez. He won't be able to contact me at all for a week soon....And I've been dying to talk to him all day. I really wanted to. But recently.....Okay, here's the sit:
-Mom and Cin are estranged.
-Cin called Chay a motherfucker IN FRONT OF HIM and went off the handle about Mimi not getting the attention Chay does.
-Mimi is peeing and pooping on herself. My diagnosis is that she is too 'busy' to go to the bathroom, she doesn't like being alone, she prefers the negative attention she gets from it over the no attention she gets normally, and she doesn't know what to do when she's scared of the bathroom's darkness.
-Chris (my sister) is going off the handle on Mimi (who is 5) about this, telling her that she's causing her machines to break by constantly having to wash clothes because of her
-Chris is battling depression and called me over tonight
-She then spend 1/3 of my time with her texting my cousin
-Another 1/3 went to 'disciplining' the children
-Yeah, it was basically a failure. But I left a magazine that had interesting stuff in it for her to look through. I hope it helped
-Ran into my other sister at Walmart. She bought me yummies. I bought her Red Bull.

So basically, my family is fucking each other up and I'm about to disappear for a week. I don't feel guilt for it, but I do feel like when I come back everyone is gonna be pissed at me.....And I'll stick my tongue out at them and tell them to f*** off.

I want to have either a family get together or a friend get together for the fourth of july, but I can't have both, and there's dynamics where one party isn't talking to each other in my family and it's near impossible to get all of my friends together for a holiday, so I may just invite the family and cover my ears during the fireworks. The non-literal ones.

Someone save my family. I love them all and want them to love each other too. Why can't they all freakin' shut their mouths???? That's a sign of love too, you know!!!

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