Sunday, November 22, 2009

Somehow, my blogger background is still fitting

I cut my ankle in the shower. Badly. I had blood trailing down my foot until bf managed to tell me over AIM what to do. I have no common sense, so I thought I'd just let it bleed out. 4 things of toilet paper later, two cotton balls, one band-aid, and lots of blood on the floor later, I decided I needed some help from my dear bf. It huuuuurts. I slept with it bandaged tight to help the blood stop. I finally took the sports tape I'd wrapped around the cotton ball off a little while ago because it was too painful to leave on. But I left the cotton ball, and have no clue what to do now.... It'll hurt like hell to take the cotton ball off, it'd hurt like hell to use alcohol to remove it, it'd hurt just as bad to use water, and possibly start the bleeding again, and *sigh* I don't know. I think I'll just leave it til I manage to see bf today. I hope I can see him today. *puppy dog eyes* (That's a hint, btw) I keep getting really really really cold here at work. I THINK I got the tangles out for the most part, but I'm not sure. Now on to the wonderful blurb about broomball.

1. You wear helmets (not good for hair)
2. You use sticks to hit this tiny ball into goals like hockey uses
3. You wear tennis shoes on an ice rink (Hellz yes! Its awesome)
4. There are no real rules except tackling and not wearing a helmet
5. You gotta play with bf sometime. He falls SO MUCH. I mean, I watched him go SPLAT like three times, and I wasn't even focused on him. That doesn't count all those times he just fell on his butt. I can't count how many times I saw him do that.
6. I SCORED GOALS TWICE! (BF:0 Runa:2) WAHAHAHHAHAHAHA (It was a point of pride, nothing more, since no teams kept score)
7. I fell 3 or 4 times. I'm not certain, but I know it was less than 5, which is miraculous for my balance skills.
It was SO awesome! Bf and I had so much fun, even with all the falling and flailing and such. Hahaha, and when teams worked together, like mine did during the second half, it was amazing. I was loud, yelling, warning, probably making a general nuisance of myself, but if no one complains, I'll be happy. They played a lot of great music, and it seems like no one was holding a grudge about anything. Oh, K, this one guy, AUUUUGH I couldn't seem to beat him. ^.^ Doesn't mean I didn't try though. And really, it was kinda great. I wanna do it again, even though my body is saying "ARE YOU F-ING ME?" I haven't really got many bruises or anything. My back, thighs, and ankles hurt. I have a bruise on my knee and shin. And that's about it~! It's great! ^_^ I STILL can't believe bf fell so many times and I didn't. Heehee. You shoulda seen him go splat when he went after a ball once. He fell straight on his side, arms and legs going wide. It makes me laugh just thinking of it.

Now I need to get a bit more homework done so I won't feel bad about hanging with bf after I go to sleep and get up in a few hours. *stretch* I have too many tests and quizzes for me to be happy, but I'm certainly pretty content. Talk to ya'll later~!

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