Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If I stub my toe....I'll scream

Seriously, I dont understand why they're getting such a beating lately.

I've found myself really liking Enrique Iglesias lately. I like "Tired of Being Sorry" (Cool video) and "Bailamos" (Cuz who could hate a song titled "Let's Dance") especially.

My kitty is so adorable. I've seen three pure black cats in the last two days. Black seems to be the new fashion.

I've read books, done favors for my family, and essentially slammed my head against the wall for the last two days. It's fun.....in a fuck life kinda way. My sisters mystify me. But I get the feeling I do the same to them, so it's prolly fair.

I think I'm losing my maidenly reserve. I just have a 'don't care' factor now. I need to send off my stuff to Iku-chin. (My host mother) I also think I'll be setting up a new blog under my school's email, for the school's purpose. Aki-san said he'd meet me in Tokyo during my layover, and Rozzy said she'd maybe visit me before her own school term in Japan starts, and D-chan also said she'd come visit me. I have permission for Ari-chan, my previous host sister to visit, but she hasn't replied to my email, so I don't know if she would.

So, in my dealings with Mimi, I've reaffirmed my thoughts of wanting to just claim her as my own and keep her. Her life makes me want to cry and hurt someone, not necessarily in that order.

AUGH!!!! Internet Explorer SUCKS!!!! I missed talking to bf because it didn't alert me, and I can't copy any videos, but Mother managed to COMPLETELY LOCK DOWN Chrome without ever knowing how she did it or WHY!!!!! Why is my family SO TECHNO DEFICIENT?~?~?~

1 comment:

college kid said...

Well you can always try to uninstall and then reinstall chrome. That should fix it if nothing else.