Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Hellion, revisited

Heyla Peeps,

A few days ago, I took my niece with me on my errand run. I needed to go to two places. Dollar Tree, and Walmart. We hit up the Dollar Tree first, because I wanted a ton of lollipops, and they're the cheapest there. Besides a balloon incident, and a "I'm gonna stand RIGHT HERE!" incident, Mimi behaved. We went out to the car, and I was gonna have us just walk from there to the Walmart, but I remembered Mom wanted milk, so I changed my mind, and we drove closer. As soon as we got out of the car for the second time, she started acting up. She didn't want to hold my hand, then she did, but she was yanking on it, THEN she decided hanging from my purse was the best idea. Purse + Large/Heavy Force = UNHAPPY Runa. She then decided, once we were inside the store, that running was a marvelous idea. I know children. If you chase them, they will laugh, giggle, and run faster. My response? "Goodbye." So of course she ran after me. Then she hanked on my purse again, and made my keys fall out. I stared her down, she bent and picked them up, and then was like "Ooh...Lunchbox!" I stared at her, and said "No. Just...No. You have NOT behaved, and we've only been here for 5 minutes." She was all, "I know I havent been good, but my momma said I needed one and deserved one 'cause she said." I stared, snorted, and told her I wasn't her mother. Then I started walking away. She chased after me, then saw the toys and tried to coerce one out of me. I absolutely refused, at which point she stood there and said she was NOT moving. I glanced at her and said bye again. She held off for about ten second before she chased me down again. (I'd given up telling her not to run in the store by this point) She then hit me, headbutted me in fact, and ran back off. Then she tried to side swipe me again, and I caught her. She laughed, scratched at me, bit at me, and I let go. She ran away giggling, and I walked after her into some clothes. We ran into some peeps that know some peeps that I know. (Yeah, they recognized me, me,....not so much). Mimi tried to hide behind them, and I wasnt having it. Eventually I had her cornered in some clothes racks, but didn't know how to punish her. So when she reached out and smacked at me, I was like "Fu** This." And I called her mother. I then explained that she wasn't behaving, and I would like permission to whoop that a$$. Of course she gave it, we hung up, and I explained to Mimi that I could whoop her ass now, or she could behave. She came out of the clothes, picked up the ones that had fallen, and we continued on our way. She behaved all the way until I saw some boots that I wanted, and then she plopped her butt down, and said, "I'ma try some shoes for ME on! And if you won't buy them, I'll steal them!" I looked at her, and said "Now I understand why Nana and your Momma hate to take you out. Don't even joke about stealing again." She said something to the equivalent of "screw you" but more childishly. I looked at her, picked my boots, and walked off. She chased me again, and when we got to the milk, smudged herself up against the door, talking about how she wants to be part of the door. I walked away (again) and she ran to me, but nearly got hit by a cart, because she didn't listen when I warned her. Then I glanced at these kidz chairz, and she grabbed one, and held on for dear life. She said "I like this, and you're gonna buy it for me or I'm not gonna move, and then I'm gonna steal it." I just looked at her for a minute. I smiled and once again told her goodbye and walked away without once looking back. It took her until I was halfway across the huge ass Walmart to realize I was serious, and then she ran after me. We met up at the cashier. I set down my items, and Mimi grabbed my purse once again. She then looked into it and shocked the hell out of me by saying "Ooh! You're stealing!!" I was like, how the HELL do I respond to that without it seeming like I'm lying?! I settled for a scandalized sounding "Mimi_LASTNAME!" The Cashier (as far as I know) didn't even react. She had everything rung up, and I was like Whoaaaa, wait a minute. Those boots I'd picked out rang up for $25, when I thought they were $10. She went to go check on the price, and the hellion set in with a vengeance. First she ran around seeing if I would chase. I would not. Then she wanted a snack, even if she had to steal it. By this point, I've lost my temper. I'm barely holding in my impulse to bend her over my knee, and every time she reached to touch something, I settled for smacking her hand. She retaliated by rushing me and headbutting me. I bent over her and lightly popped her bottom. She retaliated by kicking me. I tried to wrap my arms around her and immobilize her. The hellion BIT ME! So, like any self-respecting bitch, I smacked her mouth. She jerked away and approached the drink cooler thing. Said she wanted a drink, and I told her no, that she didn't deserve one. She said she'd steal one, and I walked over, bent her over, and told her not to EVER talk about stealing another thing while I beat on her bottom. (The sounds were worse than the hits) I then walked back over and waited for the cashier. There were two guys that considered getting in line behind me, but they saw Mimi and changed their mind. I almost felt bad about it, but I was definitely more amused by their avoidance of the kid. She walked back over and started messing with the handicap pad thing that goes inside the runny thing. (I'm sorry if that made no sense) At first, I was like "Meh, let her slam it in. Oh, wait, that might make things bad for the cashier....*sigh* Now I have to interfere..." So I went, and after she slammed it again, I rested my hand in its way, and prevented her from opening it again. She was NOT happy. She grabbed my hand, and tried to squeeze it. So, my maturity lost at this point, I squeezed back. HARD. She promptly let go, and retreated back to the drinks. As long as she didn't open the machine, I didn't care. The cashier came back and we agreed upon $15. I paid, and started to walk out. I let her run around me until we got to the road. No matter how mad I am, I'm not gonna risk her life. (I'll happily risk the life of any wanna-be kidnappers though. They wouldn't last.) So I waited while she grabbed onto a pole and said she was gonna wait there. I told her she wasn't. She followed me to argue with me, and when she got in range, I grabbed that hand up (she had gone to yank my purse from my shoulders, so it got dislodged) and then had to hold it up, stretching her on her toes to keep from losing my purse or her hand, and we walked in that fashion to my car. The whole time, she's crying out "Stop! It hurts! I'm gonna fall! I'm gonna trip!" and I was actually waiting for her to fall. Sadly, she did not, and we made it all the way to the car without incident. I then released her, telling her not to move an inch. Oh, she thought she was funny. She immediately reached for my car door and flicked it. Looked up at me and grinned. I'll admit, I stopped searching for my keys and considered what to do about it. While I was mentally considering my options, my keys fell out of my purse, and she reached out and kicked them. At that point, all maturity and reasoning ran for cover, and I broke. I unlocked the door, let her climb in, gently shut the door, and walked around to my side. I opened the back door, placed my items in the bottom seat, and shut the door. When I shut that door, she locked the car. It didn't even faze me. I unlocked the car, immediately opened my door, and climbed in. I helped her buckle her seatbelt, buckled mine, and then reached over and BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THAT HAND! I know it hurt. I meant for it to. She started crying, compared me to the devil, and then said I killed cats. The whole time, I'm agreeing with her. Telling her to remember that next time she wants to disobey me. She reached over and fiddled with my purse. I would not have put it past her not to through my purse out the window by this point, so I smacked her hand again. She reached out to touch it with her other hand, and I wait a moment, and right when she gets that "Hellz Yeah Bitches, I got away with it!" look on her face, I SMACK that one. She goes right back to crying, and I go right back to agreeing that I'm the meanest force on the planet. We make the trip home in relative silence. The only real thing, was when I told her I was NOT taking her out again. She cried out "No! Please!" And I'll admit, I was incredulous that she would think I'd do something like this again. We got home, I told the other adult females about what happened, and her mother said she would be going to bed early. Mimi had another fit, started crying (Actually started crying as soon as we went through the door, but she always paused to listen to what I was telling them) and telling them about what I'd done to her. *snort* At least she was honest enough, that whenever one of them asked her "Did you do what Runa just said you did?" she nodded her head. *laughs* She would follow up with like "But that was cause Runa did such-and-such!" At which point I would explain myself, and Mimi would have no where to run (metaphorically speaking). It was the very first time I have ever had a child act like that when I took them out with me. The FIRST! I was AMAZED. My mom laughed at me, and was like "You see? You can't say shit about how she's a good kid now." And I had to agree with her. I'm not taking that brat out again. I shouldn't be taking children out in my car anyway. My car is messing up. I'm not certain how to explain it. It needs a check-up, honestly, but I have no money for that kind of thing.

I've packed my boxes, and I need to mail them. I'm only gonna take one bag on the plane with me, and it'll be a carry-on. I'm just about ready to go, and I'll be leaving in two weeks.

I'm coming up to Raleigh this weekend, and will hopefully be able to see my advisor and everyone and get all my paperwork finished. It'll be my last trip besides the one that'll take me to the airport.

One of my library books is missing. It makes me upset, because I've never actually LOST one before. Lent one out and the other person lost/forgot it, sure. But I've never lost one before. >.<

Hm. I have three hours before everyone in the house gets up for the day. I wonder if its worth it to go to sleep, or if I should just stay up for the day. I have a ton of errands to run again today. Hm. I may as well stay up. I dont seem to show much difficulty with staying up anymore.

I like getting the kids up for school. If they're not in a bad mood, we all end up cuddled on the bed, playing together til we all have to rush to get them off in time. It's really fun. I guess I can make breakfast at like 5 30, and then they're have food to help them wake up.

Whenever I stay up all night...and then get everyone up and off for the day, I start to think about the future. *blush* See, it suits me very well to stay up all night, and sleep most of the day. And I sometimes think about the future, when I'll be married, with a (as yet undecided) night job, and children of my own. I'll be up all night, and I'll wake everyone up with breakfast, and I'll send everyone off to work, and then with the house to myself, I'll sleep. Then, when the kids come home from school, I'll get up, help them with their homework, they'll help me set up dinner, and when my husband comes home, we'll all eat together, and maybe play a few games together sometimes, and then I'll go to work (or 'get to work' as the case may be) and everyone will settle down for the night, and we'll repeat it all the next day. I really hope my future can be like that. *blush* Yeah, it's kinda strange, but I really feel like it suits me. And hopefully it'll suit my spouse as well.

Okay, I think that's enough delving into my terrible mind for the day. Questions, thoughts, comments? Post it babes.

Okay, I can't post any videos. It has ALSO BEEN DISABLED! WEAOIJDSFLDNFVODFUHNVEIALRMNFIPDJFVD:FMVADF:J!!!! See my previous post, including the description of my TECHNO_INEPT FAMILY!!!!!AUGH !! How they manage to mess up my compie time so completely without even meaning to is SERIOUSLY impressive.

Song I wanted: Dynamite by Taoi Cruz.

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