Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Today, a week and four days after I got the chapter and the go-ahead, I sat down and translated the entire 40 page chapter. I'd already done the first 5 pages as a test to see if they wanted me as their translator, (I didn't know it was a test) and they said I passed. So today, I woke up around 11 and just didn't want to go back to sleep, so I got up, found myself with nothing to do, and started translating. Then, before I knew it, it was 1pm and Hubby came home. I was only on the 20th page or so. And so then, around 4:30, I was done. I think that means it took me about 5 hours to translate 35 pages. So 7 pages an hour? That's a little slow, but I think as I get used to it, I can improve my time. I also had three lines that just utterly confounded me, so I have to ask for help with them. But it was an interesting exercise, especially when I tried to explain my frustration to Hubby and just ended up jabbering on in Japanese. Some of those lines are total tongue-twisters though!!

I do feel a little accomplished, and a little more happy with myself. It's good review to read these things, and damn if they don't have some complicated kanji.

We also went to see Catching Fire on Sunday. It was really good, and I didn't even notice most of the stuff they left out until after we'd left the theatre and I was thinking back on it. I really liked it, both as a movie, and as a representation of the book. I really didn't enjoy the first movie, and felt like it was a stifled film overall, but this one was good. I want to see it again, which is something I never said about the first one. When I thought about it, they really did leave a lot out, and put in a few things that totally make sense/could work in the book and the flow was overall really good.

Yesterday (Monday), I got EXTREMELY sick. I believe it was allergies, because I took allergy medicine and it made it a lot better. But boy... moving hurt, I couldn't breath, I couldn't sleep, I was too hot, then too cold, my head hurt, my stomach felt super nauseous, and I was on the verge of tears when hubby came home. So of course as soon as he touched me, I started crying. *rolls eyes* I really need to learn what it is about him that makes my emotions just pour out of me every time he touches me. And then I was nonsensical, telling him to go buy me medicine, but don't leave me. Then, I can't move, but I want to go with him. Then, I need this, but I don't want him to leave me. Even I can admit I was ridiculously contradictory. But hubby persevered, and finally convinced me I should stay home and study while he bought my medicine (I had a test yesterday). So he bought medicine and ginger ale (I always drink it when I'm sick because it settles my stomach, and isn't particularly taste-filled), came home, and found my curled up asleep. I studied for a while, but crying wore me out and I fell asleep. Maya kept me company pretty much the entire day in bed. And once hubby came back with medicine for me, he also joined me and we studied together.
Then I went to class (had hubby drive me) and took my test. It took me 15 minutes to take a 40 question test, and I got 6 wrong, but I got 5 of the bonus questions right, so I ended up with a 90. I wish I had done a little better, but I don't think 90 is bad. I studied a lot of stuff I didn't need to, apparently.

Then I managed to hang in there, and stayed for the whole class, where we learned about a few pressure points, and meditation. We all went around and shared our experience with meditation, and I thought about how I actually do 'meditation' several times in a day. When I'm contemplating what to make for dinner, my mind focuses but wanders, and it's like meditation (making dinner is different. I have to pay too much attention to outside factors for that to be meditation). When I swim, it's like water meditation. When I jog, it used to be like meditation. Now it's just "Ouch, ow, ow, ow, oh, oh, it's going numb, is that good? is that bad? which which which?" But essentially, you can do it anywhere and that really came home to me, listening to everyone elses' experiences with it.

I really should get in contact with my school's finance office and find out about the scholarship I earned. I still haven't heard from him, but I think I'll draft an email over our Thanksgiving break. :/ I called once and left my number, but phoning makes me so shy, I don't wanna do it again.

Hubby's been on the phone for over an hour with somebody asking for his help. *pout* I want his attention on me! Especially since I'm leaving for school soon. *pout pout* Damnit! .....Yes, I'm totally spoiled.

Maya has been crying too much lately, so I lost my temper with her. I looked at her, narrowed my eyes, growled, and held her stare until she looked away twice. She hasn't made a sound since. I feel a little bad, but I was really tired of her crying. I've already picked her up, petted her, fed her, and watered her. I do need to do her litter box, but since my head still feels like it could explode if I move too much, I'm putting it off for a little bit. :/

Have a good one~! I'll try to post again soon. :)

I think this song is very good. This cover is pretty good too.


college kid said...

Poor babe. Your allergies choose weird times to strike.

Caitlin said...

It's so cool that you are translating! I think you made good time considering what you are doing.

You did great on the test! You shouldn't be hard on yourself when you're sick. You'll do it perfectly next time after you've gotten well.

I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. We really want to see it again, too.