Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cold Feet + Cutie Honey

I have terminally cold feet with our hardwood floors. Reb insists his wool socks will fix it. Hence:
Me: What do I win when these don't work?
Reb: It doesn't matter because they're gonna work.
Me: So I can have anything since you're absolutely confident?
Reb:.....NO! 'Cause your body has mysterious ways I can't comprehend!!
Me: *chuckles*

Damn straight. 

I'm gonna win. I know it. My feet aren't going to lose to a pair of nifty socks. They still feel like ice. 

Hubby was SO CUTE YESTERDAY! I went out early in the morning to give and recieve massage from a friend. He came tumbling out of bed to say goodbye to me before I had to leave. He was weaving on his feet, pouting, rubbing his eyes and yawning. SO ADORABLE!!! 

Then I was out shopping and waiting to hear a reply from him. His eventual reply? "Loneliiiiii. Oh, so lonelyyyyy. I have no bo-dy " so I hopped in the car and came home immediately. He grabbed me as soon as I came in the door and held on tight. 

"Where were you? I missed you. I was so lonely! Where did you go? Why did you leave me?" Hug hug hug, pout pout pout. I laughed, and held up the food. "I brought you chicken! Don't you want the chicken?" And he was all "I want Runa! Chicken can't replace Runa!" and I laughed again. "Chicken isn't replacing me, it's..... supplementing me, to make up for being so late! Here, what about a Butterfingers?" And he pouted some more, but I finally got him settled down on the couch and he's eating the food and he looks down. "It's cold." (I had gotten the food an hour or so ago) Looking down, pouting, and refusing to leave my side to heat up the food was so incredibly adorable. He's too cute!! 

Yes, I recognize that the signs of an unhealthy co-dependence are forming, but it really shouldn't have the ability to escalate very much beyond this level, considering we're about to take a long road trip together (And I get loopy after a few hours in a car), and after that I'll be looking for a job AND attending school. So I'm just enjoying the unhealthy yet oh-so-delicious lovey-dovey feels. 

That's all. I just wanted to gloat. BTW-It's been over twenty minutes and my feet are still cold. I think I've won this damn bet. 


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