Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Counting Stars

I love this song. :) It's a little religious, but it's also easy to ignore those implications and it's so fun to sing it. Especially if you just belt it out. Hubby laughed at me for it, but I enjoyed being able to sing the whole song. Now he's singing it too. Lol!

I like chocolate milk. I've had three glasses tonight. I also had a piece of eggnog bread (I made it) that was okay. It was a little too salty, but that might be because I had an end piece. Yay needing to eat every twelve hours so I can take steroids that mess with my body and make it so much more difficult to be comfortable in my skin.

I mean, it's bad enough that I'm STILL gaining weight, but to have my blood pressure soaring (140s/90s) and my muscles constantly feeling really tight and on the verge of cramping really sucks. I'm steadily blowing up, and Hubby is steadily dwindling down!! Argh!

Today is my niece's birthday. I talked to her for a bit, and as it says in hubby's blog, it was a frustrating experience. I really just wanna know whether to get rid of this bed or not. It'd be nice to be able to use that room for my massage practice (since we'll be moving before we ever get her) but it's also true that furniture is expensive and I'm rather attached to that bed. I've slept in it a total of four times when Hubby pissed me off too much for me to sleep in the same bed that night. I don't understand how wives kick their husband's out of bed. It doesn't work when I try it. :/

I took a fun little personality test that fairly reflects my views and feelings about situations.
It's interesting and a new way to take a personality test. I'm always on the fence with things, so having multiple statements and just going with the one that has more statements I agree with works better than 'Pick A or B, based on your understanding of yourself and the meanings behind A and B'.

I made eggnog bread, but I think I should have added rum after all. Here's the recipe. It's not bad, but it needs a little tweaking in my opinion. I'm gonna make some pumpkin bread for the couples to go with their gift cards.

It's kinda hard to believe that in a week we're leaving town and going to NC! We really have to work out when we're going to meet with A, and C, and Rozy! If we can. I hope we can. We need to cement the details out, but it's so hard to get ahold of people!! I guess we'll swing it by ear, but when we start visiting friends during the time when we stay with my family, I start to feel a little cheated, especially since I already have so many family members to meet with(3-5 houses to visit), and Hubby only has two houses, and they're right across from each other. It's nice that we can stay with my family on the way in Alabama, but I'm really worried Hubby is gonna wanna erm, 'get it on' there and I'm totally not comfortable with that. On the plus side, we can finally use our air mattress and Mom will set us up in my old room so we'll have a bit of privacy instead of being out where everyone can see us in the living room like we were last time.

We also both have dentist appointments next week. And we're picking up our photoshoot pictures to send out Christmas cards. They may be late. :/ I hope they're not but you never know.

I think I'm gonna go now so I can egg Hubby into either moving the furniture with me (at 1 a.m. The neighbors will love us), or screwing with me. We have a lot of fun just purposely messing with each other. Hubby is unfairly cute nowadays.


college kid said...

Yay being almost off steroids.

You used your bed alot after your surgery on your leg. It was convenient to store that machine on it.

Caitlin said...

I had chocolate milk yesterday, too!! Mmm. I'm sorry about that blood pressure stuff! That's so scary. Do whatever you can to get it down, I don't want you having a stroke like my dad.

Happy (11th?) birthday to Mia!

Hehe. At first I thought you meant meet with us and Rozy, now I see who you mean. :)