Saturday, April 19, 2014

Cookie Monster got a Cookie Cake

It was okay. I'm not really a big fan of cookie cakes, but he liked it. It was from a student's birthday cake.

Nobody commented on my dissection of that song. :( And that wasn't particularly special either, that's generally how far I think about every song I hear. I really wanted to hear what others thought..... Oh well.

There seems to be a lot of new songs out lately. I heard 4 new songs out of 6 in the car today. I was pretty surprised. I guess I'll look forward to finding new favorites.

I'm making chocolate chip cheesecake and chocolate torte cake for our Graduation Pot Luck on Tuesday. So I needed eggs. We went to get some after dinner tonight and apparently picked one of the worst times. We waited in the speedy checkout for a good twenty minutes. But Hubby got batteries for his watch so he'll have one to wear again. That's good, right? :)

We also shopped at a discount store and I found a CD that was 61 minutes long, and New Age called 'The Universe'. I bought it for massage purposes, but didn't explain to Hubby so he wasn't prepared for the type of music that played when he asked if I was gonna try it out in the car. He looked over at me going 'Aaaaaaah!!' about bad drivers + the music. It was funny but scary cause he was driving, so I turned it off.

I boiled a good number of eggs last night to go in my tuna, make deviled eggs, and just have for Easter. When I eat them though, my stomach starts feeling really full, but really sick at the same time. And I always get smelly eggy burps. :/ I just don't think my body likes meat/eggs very much. I think sweets and sodas are also kinda 'poisonous'. They make me feel sick and tired later. But it's really difficult to give them up, even knowing they'll bother me later. Something to work on, I suppose.

I got two complete series from that discount store for like 7 dollars from one of my favorite authors. I love Mercedes Lackey, though she can be a little wordy and long-winded. I like her character creations. And the world I particularly like of her creation is Valdemar. It has magic!

I finally read a series I've been thinking of reading since I was 13. Red River has 97 chapters, but I read it all yesterday. Then I dreamed about it, so that was really cool.

Speaking of series, I read one called S+M about a pair of twins and their love for a girl. IT leaves a horrible taste in my mouth. I can't help thinking the twins actually just want each other, and use the girl as a go-between. It certainly conveys nothing of love to me. It's just a story filled with uncertainty and back-stabbing and lack of honest conversation. Bleh. If anyone wants to read it and talk to me about it so I can settle it in my head and finally just forget it, I would appreciate it.

I love how the girl can dance around while she plays.

It reminds me of another series I really want to continue reading. Alice the 101st. I CANT find the next volumes to it. :(


college kid said...

Bleh. Thee cookie cake isn't that good. I had such high hopes. And now those hopes have been destroyed on the jagged rocks of lacking in cookie flavor and overly sweet icing.

I hate massage music. I think that shitty music is the one thing I dislike most about massage in general.

Hardboiled eggs are gross. Duh. Happy Easter!

Caitlin said...

Haha about the massage music. When I got my massage a couple weeks ago, the music was ridiculous. Trying too hard to be relaxing.

Yay new songs! I never listen to new stuff since we don't listen to the radio. :/