Thursday, April 10, 2014

It's a blue, blue Chris-*cough*RUNA!!

I finally dyed my hair blue!! I really, really, like it. It's a little dark for my complexion, and it makes my brown look like black, but I still really like it. I am SOOOOO relieved not to be blonde anymore. It just made me feel all young and awkward and not-myself.

My head hurts. It's been hurting off and on for a few days now. I really should go to the doctor sometime, but it's troublesome. I should also see a chiropractor about my shoulder, but that's just as troublesome.

I made some 'safe' photos to share! First is when I was blonde. The chick in the pic is the one that braided my hair, but for her safety, I took her face off (heehee).
Then I had two that don't show my face, but this one shows my blue hair the best, so! Here it is:

It will probably lighten considerably as I slowly wash it over and over, but there's a permanent blue that just came out. Depending on the price, I very well may use that to dye it for good. I really didn't like being blonde.

Sorry. I'm feeling rather vain, how I keep looking at my hair and grinning. But I also can't really help but appreciate the difference in how I feel, even if the color may not suit me.

I can't find my hair bands anymore. I think Maya may have done something with them. She's an evil kitty, that she is. Also, here's her trying to fly:
She's trying to reach the window, but we've placed everything so it's just a little too far away.

I think we're considering staying in this town for an extra year while I get experience as an LMT, and the ICPC gets completed and Mimi comes to stay with us. Honestly, I don't really want to, and I would hate to have to pack everything up and move because a company finally sees Hubby's worth in like 6 months. But I would rather do this, than move to a new area closer to everyone and still get relocated later. So I'm going to seriously start applying to jobs. Not just LMT jobs. I think it would be good to have an alternative style job as well while I'm starting out as an LMT, both for the contacts, and for the money. I've held off til now because I couldn't in good conscious accept a long term job when I thought I could only commit to short term.

I hate the thought of being away from Hubby for more than a day or two, but if he needs an Internship over the summer to get hired somewhere, I think I'll have to support him and hold down the fort here. *siigh* I worry about finances in that case, but it's not like it's impossible. We really need to get rid of some of this excess furniture though. We visited a thrift store recently that has a dresser drawer sculpture JUST LIKE the one we have that we're trying to sell. If it doesn't get sold soon, I think we'll just donate it to them. It seems like fate to me.

I can't really think of anything else to add, except that maybe on our next free day, Hubby and I will try geocaching for a date. It seems pretty cheap, and kinda cool, and would give us something in common with pineaps and co.

Video for you. It looks interesting. It's a Studio Ghibli film 'The Tale of Princess Kaguya'. It looks fairly historically accurate, though the details of the story look to be adapted to fit the story. It's a little long, but it's really interesting, so please watch and tell me what you think!


college kid said...

I've only applied to one internship so far (the one that all but guarantees they will hire you afterwards) but haven't heard back from them. The problem with living apart is that we would probably have to get another car. Unless I happen to get an apartment close enough to my work that I could bike there or something. I don't feel like Austin is safe enough for you to bike in it. Our best bet might be moving back to NC temporarily since our parents would probably help us out if we needed it. I wouldn't mind doing that while aggressively trying to find a job in NC to make it more permanent. I also wonder if child services would even be okay with us being separated before they give us Mia. I would guess not, but I don't know.

That stuff about your hair bands is nonsense. I found one on the floor the other day while I was vacuuming (it's on your bedside table now, btw). They inevitably end up in the most random places because you put them everywhere. And then many times they fall on the floor. I'm not mad or anything, just making an observation.

Caitlin said...

Hehe, you comment about the hair bands along with college's observation was cute. Same thing happens to me and pencils, somehow they all just vanish one by one.

I'm excited to see where you guys will end up!