Wednesday, April 23, 2014

My hands are sore

I had an allergic reaction. To my hypoallergenic creme. It's ironic enough to kill me. I had to cancel my other appointments for the day. So now I don't KNOW when I'll be graduated. :( I was supposed to be done on May 15th. On the plus side, I got a refund on the creme... On the minus side, my fingers are sore and my arms feel really heavy and tired. It felt like my throat was really sore/closing for a while, but that eventually faded.

Hubby didn't think going to the doctor would really help, so instead he put me to bed, and I slept til 8:30 or so. I feel better, but still really sleepyish and generally achey.

When I woke up, I found that we'd received the packet of questions and requirements for the home study that happens in the morning!! And part of it was having loved ones survey us and how we would do as parents-- Big shout-out to those who helped us! Thank you so much!!

So pineapples wants to know about my graduation day (yesterday). It's a little embarrassing. Reb and I made the gluten-free chocolate torte cake, then some homemade chocolate whipped cream to go on top. It was pretty, but I didn't think to take a picture. Sorry...

Then it was off to the school! They had said on Monday that loved ones were welcome to come to the Pot Luck, so Hubby decided to stay at the school and work on his report while we have 'Completion'.

We all wrote on a card for one of our classmates that had to drop due to cancer springing up. Then we started the class with a LOT of surveys/paperwork for the school. After that 40 minute long interlude, we had a break (where I snuck some food into my mouth), then went back. We then spent the next 1.5-2 hours going around the circle answering questions about 'Why massage school', 'How was your experience' and 'What's on the horizon'. One of our ladies surprised us by breaking down while telling about her father dying back in November, and how she had really wanted to massage him. Then I broke down while having my turn. I could control my breathing, but my voice still came out high and uneven, and I was really embarrassed that I broke down a bit in front of some people that were still like strangers (though I would have been fine with some others I felt closer to). Then another chick broke down crying while admitting that she didn't have any plans for the future. And our male massage teacher's voice caught (he was last) as he was talking to us, and when the tissues got passed to him, he was like 'No, I'm good' and mastered himself.

Then we were supposed to take a ten minute break, but we were all so hungry that after a few minutes, people started grabbing bits and pieces of food, and then everyone was suddenly eating. The teacher in charge came to call us back in, saw we were all eating, and then started passing out plates, warning us that we'd be in trouble if we got too loud because clinic was still going on. So we kind of had a public upheaval to change the plans they'd set for us, all without any conscious planning. I thought that was really cool and kinda funny.

So eventually the hunger was satisfied, and we all filed back into the classroom. Then we got into groups of 4, and did this kind of digestive meditative massage where we just held a part of each other. For example, I had my group lay hands on my hips, shoulders, and head. It was nice.

Then we put everything away, stood in a circle, held hands, and talked a little. Then we had a hug party, and circled back up. Then we were released and we all left! I took a classmate's food because it was so good.

Then we came home and my massage school life is over.

Until I came to internship today, used a new creme, and had a painful allergic reaction. Now I'm behind on my hours. Damnit.

But yeah, that was my graduation.

1 comment:

college kid said...

Yay. Congrats on the graduation. I'm glad you are feeling better.