Saturday, August 7, 2010


My hands are so very cold, I don't know how they can move to type.
Being at home is as unpleasant as ever, but it feels somewhat anticlimactic since Cin and brown-nosing-boy and Mimi and Z-nee left today. Mom actually cleaned the kitchen, and we had real food for dinner. We're just about out of everything you can think of. We need bread, butter, milk, eggs, and just about anything except junk food. THAT, we will always have. *rolls eyes*

I took Mimi to get some new shoes today. We ended up getting a bit more than that, but I was actually surprised at the lack of people everywhere. Traffic wasn't good, but I was expecting worse, honestly. We then went to the library, and there was a festival outside of it that ended as we left the library. Mimi was mad at me for her missing it. But I didn't even know it was supposed to happen.

I woke up to two unpleasant things this morning. The first: Mimi slept with me and wet my bed. Again. *sigh* The second, that got me up for good, was yelling. Cin was having an utter fit about being disrespected by Clark and his sister to her face. *sigh* I took the kids, and got dressed, and kept them in my room until Mom got up and interfered in the argument.

I think I've been sighing too much in my life lately. I've gotten back on the DDR train. But I think I hurt my weak ankle, playing so much, so I didn't do it tonight. And Chay and I are watching Outlaw Star together. It's amazing how much you forget about a series when a few years pass. Like some amazing amounts of nudity. And cussing. I swear (Ha, pun!), if he didn't hear worse on a daily basis, I'd just stop letting him watch it. I can't stand the english dub though. The voices themselves just DONT suit the characters!! Except in a few cases....okay, they kinda suit, but I can't stand it!!! The English actually hurts my poor ears. I watched it in Jap. tonight, and was so relieved. It didn't bother me at all. But Chay didn't like it, so he went off to play his game.

Aki-san, the guy from Japan, is leaving today to go back to Japan. I'll miss him.

Yay! BF updated!

....I'm done.

Don't diss the voice before you give it a fair trail:

1 comment:

college kid said...

Umm. Yay not having so many people under the same roof?