Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Weekend has been....****

*hangs head*

First off, I am so sorry to my beloved bf. This weekend has definitely been the worst one in Japan thus far. First off, Friday, I didn't get nearly enough sleep. Then I went to the Salon, and things went well for a while. Then things began to go bad there, though I didn't realize it.

First, Ikuchin told me she wasn't going to the concert. The concert was a Tango music concert. I didn't even really want to go, except that Ikuchin was going, and the tickets were expensive. You don't reject expensive gifts like that without serious reason. Like Ikuchin had. Sao-tan caught a sickness from Yuuna-nyan. (Ikuchin caught it from Yuuna-nyan too, but took medicine and got better.) So Ikuchin had to take care of Sao-tan instead of going to the concert. The horrible thing is, I didn't even want to go, but Ikuchin had been preparing for it for weeks. She was uber excited. And she couldn't go. *hangs head*
I also had a bright spot on Saturday: My box came! I feel warmth again!!!
So anyway, Saturday, I got ready, and wore high heels that I thought wouldn't hurt my feet, but I was wrong. I've got like 4 spots of skin that were torn off before I managed to get home last night. *grimace*
Then, my friends and I were late. Then my hope to get to know the Salon peeps better went up in smoke when they all ran off even before the concert ended. (BTW, the concert was fine for the first half, but the second went into drama overdrive, and the only one able to dance was the singer. I played with a glow stick for most of it...too much energy) After that, four of us went out to eat.
Dinner was actually good. I enjoyed that.
Then we came home, and I realized I'd lost the very important necklace that I always wear. I insisted on getting on the computer because I really miss bf when I don't wear it. I got to talk to him, but everyone went to sleep and our time had to be cut short. I've kinda been tearing up randomly since I lost the necklace. I feel like I failed myself, bf, and even Kei-chan. I know I'm prolly the only one that put that much stock in those things, but it was really my happy charm. I could always toy with it when I was worried or thinking of home and loved ones and immediately feel better.
Ikuchin went on a trip today, and she was leaving super early in the morning, so I figured that Sao-tan, Ai-chin and Shin-san would leave at the same time as Ikuchin. So I promised to be online to talk to bf, and I lied. Because even though I barely slept (I'm sick from Sao-tan, and I rather detest Japan's colds right now), and I was totally awake and ready to talk to him this morning, they were still in here sleeping. And Saotan woke up screaming a few times last night for certain (cause I listened to it), so I couldn't just insensitively waltzed in and turned on the computer and made a racket. Hell, I was so worried about waking them up that I didn't even eat breakfast. I just got ready and left. Which wasn't the best idea. Today has really sucked.
I had a field trip. Yay? Not really. I spent about 15 dollars today just on the field trip. And I didn't even pay for my own lunch. I was treated by the teacher because she's my advisor's kohai, so I'm kinda under her wing or something. Don't know. We realized we had a common bond on Friday. Talk about fortuitous.
First, 'chikai' which translates to 'close' is a LIEEEEE!!! Never believe them! 45 minutes by train is NOT what I would call close. And I had to change trains TWICE! I got lost on the way back and it took 2 hours. *rolls eyes* On the plus side, I no longer panic. I just get off, figure out where I went wrong, and try again.
Then, we were at a perfectly cheap and nice festival and one SINGLE PERSON was bitchy about how she was sick of the festival food, so we had to go to a restaurant. The teacher paid for me, so I guess I shouldn't care, but I ate one measley plate, because it was Korean food, which means pretty spicy, and had to pay 840. From a buffet. One plate. Just saying.
After that, we had to take ANOTHER train, to a godforsaken place, pay ANOTHER entrance fee, waited forever for slow ass people to catch up, wandered a museum about human rights that just made me want to cry even more than I already did, and then walked this abandoned road to a ferry that took us across the river. Where we met an old man I would not term as 'creepy' but certainly not as 'normal'. I half seriously joked the whole way that they were taking us to their evil lair to kill us and stuff our innards with yucky vegetables. Because none of us had a clue where we were.
Then, we listened to the guy talk in Japanese for an hour or more. I'm NOT that good at Japanese. And most peeps were obviously zoned out. But only three of us left early, and we were all female. This is how I discovered that I am NOT the only one with a creepy stalker or three. All of us have experiences with some creepiness apparently. If I didn't feel so bad right now, I'd go into detail about it. As it is, I'll do that later.
Like I said earlier, I got lost. Then I stopped by the store to buy dinner and a daikon, because I heard cubed daikon is good for colds. No one told me they were spicy as hell if you ground them up. I discovered that myself. Bleh. My throat still hurts from that. *hangs head* Today just really sucks.
There were obviously good things this weekend as well, but the majority was overwhelmingly bad. I'm sick enough that I'm just not even entertaining the thought of going to class tomorrow morning. I MAY go to the last one, but I don't know. I really just wanna curl up under a blankie and sleep for the next two weeks. I'm gonna get started on the hybernation soon. Wish me luck!

The Theme song (at the end) from the Drama I just finished watching:


college kid said...

Hey sweetheart, sorry your weekend didn't go so well....But it has to get better, right? Don't worry! It will! Take care of yourself so you can recover quickly! I love you.

rozfire said...

Hey Runa, sorry your weekend sucked, it's probably just one of "those" weekends, believe it or not, the negativity will pass! Also sorry I've been out of touch, school kind of stinks, and gets in the way of the important things. But despite the negativity of this weekend, at least it sounds like from your previous posts that overall your having a pretty good time in Japan. Hope you feel better and start having fun again!

Runa said...

Awww! Thanks guys. Honestly, rozy, I thought you'd stopped reading. I was contemplating sending you an email, but didn't know what to say. "So, what's up doc?" lol.
Thanks, I'll do my best! The worst thing is that midterms start this week. I didn't even mention that. *sigh*