Monday, November 11, 2013

S/S Scholarship/Sickness

It seems whenever something exciting happens to me, that I also inevitably end up sick as well. When I was accepted to S&M, I had strep throat and couldn't even tell anyone I'd been accepted. When I got my scholarship on Friday (yay!!) I could barely talk enough to make the calls I needed to, and then I kinda lost my voice all weekend. My tonsils were swollen and irritated, my voice was strange, and I generally ached, hurt, or just didn't feel well the whole weekend.

Hubby took good care of me, and didn't even try to stay away from my germs (that's a first). I'm surprised he didn't catch it, and can only conclude that it wasn't contagious.

So the scholarship is for $1000, divided into $250 for each quarter assuming my grades stay above 70%. I think I can manage that, so long as I keep calm and move on. We had our touch assessment tonight, where we worked on an instructor for 15 minutes and they gave us feedback on quality of touch, strokes, and any other feedback they had. Mine went well. The talking only took a minute or two at the beginning and the end, and I managed to finish everything without rushing too much. I should work on my pressure, but I can blame the table for being too high as well.

I finally remembered to take the suckers to school with me that were left over after Halloween. A lot of people liked them. I also took some rice krispie treats, and two had messages from hubby that he'd written months ago. It was sweet! I wrote new messages on the ones that didn't have one that said "You're awesome!" or "You go girl/guy!" I'm not sure if anyone really noticed the little messages, but they all got eaten.

I made a terrible mistake. When at Costco over the weekend, I bought a 56 oz. bag of m&ms. We have not stopped munching on them all weekend, and we're down to half the bag now. >.<

I got new underwear! I love Aerie's underwear options. They usually have one or two new styles, and new patterns, every time I go in as well as old ones that I found I liked. I got 8 new pairs for $21~! Finally threw away the old black and pink pairs that I didn't like and were worn away. Runa feels better!

Tomorrow we have a practical exam showing we know how to do the Swedish massage within an hour without many mistakes. I'm not all that worried about it. I do want to get my homework done though. I didn't do it over the weekend like I normally would have because I wasn't feeling well and didn't expect to be able to remember it.

I've heard this song on the radio lately and I rather like it. The video gets better over time. Damn, I really need to start reading/watching Naruto again. It looks like it's gotten even cooler.


Caitlin said...

I've never heard of Aerie's. Is it only in TX? How'd the exam go?

Runa said...

Exam went great! I got a 98, which may possibly have been the highest grade in the class. Aerie's is EVERYWHERE. Look online! Their panties are so soft and comfortable and they have lots of styles to suit your preference. They also often do sales so you can buy like 5-8 at a time. I highly recommend it.

april said...

Congrats on the scholarship! Having read your essays I know it is definitely going to someone deserving!

I like that song, too.

Runa said...

Thanks April! ^.^ I'm glad. collegekid doesn't say one way or the other if he likes it. I really like the yodelling part. It's a silly, hilarious spot in a serious song. ^.^