Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Heehee. I just relearned how to spell that word. I realized that it was unfair of me to be put-out that no one has updated when I haven't done it either. And no, just posting a video doesn't count. Though Wolverine was kinda cool. And I do like that song. At least give your thoughts/reasons for posting the damn things!!

Urrrgh. I've been awake for too long, but I really wanna hear how ppl are doing lately so I'm posting damnit. As for me: I'm doin' fine. I attended a Pregnancy Massage Workshop where my confidence in dealing with that special population skyrocketed. The best part? My Scholarship totally paid for that class, so I didn't have to feel guilty. And I have an awesome certification! :D

Maya has been up my booty for the longest time now. For example: She hasn't left her spot beside me in.... 4 hours. She happens to be laying on top of my jacket. I also happen to be cold. Unfortunately, I do not believe this to be a coincidence. I've been eagerly waiting for her to get up so I could have it. And there's no such luck.

I did laundry today. Well, we did laundry. Ah shit. I just remembered I left my sheets in the dryer. I wonder if they'll still be there.....Damnit. I hate when I forget that. .....I'll do it tomorrow. Hopefully Hubby with also do the floors tomorrow.

We made a list of all the stuff that needs doing this morning when I woke us up like a BOSS. I didn't set an alarm, but thought to myself (quite firmly) 'I want to wake up between 9:30 and 10. TEN O CLOCK, YA HEAR?!' First I woke up at 9:21. Which is fairly close, you have to admit. Then I dozed a bit and woke up at 10:00 exactly. I rolled over and woke up Hubby, cuddled a moment then checked the time to see it read 10:01. Like I said, I'm awesome.

I'm also probably sick. I have a sharp pain in the right side of my throat every time I swallow. My appetite has been pairing off with nausea, and I keep fighting off low-grade fevers. It's so annoying when I get sick. It's even more annoying that Hubby hardly EVER catches whatever I do. Hmph. Let me make this more positive: My body takes the pathogen and messes with it so badly that it can't make anyone else sick. So I'm like an awesome biological defense! Mwahahah! .....It'd be really cool if that were true, wouldn't it?

You know, I don't really like the original of this song, but this version feels much more heartfelt and far less annoying.

I forgot my sheets today. Well, actually, it's more like, in our binders, it says 'Mock Exam' for both classes today, so hardly anyone brought sheets. A lot of us did clothed massage tonight.... And yesterday I forgot to check what we needed, and so I didn't take any towels and ended up borrowing some from a friend in class. :/ I feel like I'm seriously slacking here. There's only about two weeks left. And I'm still an A/B student. I took a mock exam today and we graded it. I took it without studying at all. This resulted in an 87 for me. So you can see, I'm finding few reasons to study beyond just perfectionism and wanting to be better than everyone. And as I've previously posted, doing really well ends up being..... well, really lonely. At least with these grades, I'm not too scared to ask how others did. Because if I ask, they'll likely ask me, and with grades in the 90s, it felt too much like bragging. With grades in the 80s, I feel less like it's some kind of gloating.

Does it sound too much like I'm letting peer pressure lower my grades? I can make it sound like I'm just lazy, if that's better. *ahem* I really get tired of staring at these books, and reviewing previous tests, and studying online all the time. I could be using that time to read books and cook, and look for jobs and hang out with others. This facet is also true to a point. I don't actually get tired of my books. The other stuff is..... well, I've reviewed my tests once, but I've never studied online. And I do actually use my time to sleep and cook and eat and read. *shrug* So essentially I'm lazy and enjoying the results.

Oh damn. This guy's voice..... is super sexy. Like, my jaw actually dropped. *siiiiigh* I'm a sucker for a throaty voice.

Oh yeah. I'm blonde now. Like, high school blonde. I feel 16 again when I look in the mirror. And I HATE it. I want to dye my hair blue as soon as possible, but I'm scared of messing it up. When I did it purple, I couldn't get the back well enough, and I had streaks that didn't take the color because of my carelessness. I was a little ashamed. So I'm nervous about trying again.

I talked with one of the ladies that came back for me for the third time. I mentioned they're only allowed to request us 5 times, and suggested she space out her visits so I could see her as many times as possible.

My birthday was really nice. My sister in jail called me, and Hubby did everything I asked, and never once told me no. I even picked out a duper awesome dress that makes me feel like a greek goddess. It's dark blue, and I love myself in it, even though I use it for a night dress. I had a clinic session scheduled, and my client was the one I just mentioned! I love working on her, I can visibly see and feel the effects after, and she's just so pleasant and appreciative. We ate at a sushi place, but while the fare was pretty good, it was expensive, and I didn't like the ambiance or the lighting very much.

I'm beginning to see that dim lighting bothers me a LOT. I would rather close my eyes and wander around in the dark than constantly strain my eyes to see what I'm doing. It's a good thing you don't need vision to massage.

Phew. I've let myself write a lot, and taken an hour I could have been sleeping to do so. I can't decide how much sleep I should have now. I really wanna dye my hair, but I also really wanna catch up on sleep ( I begin to feel like ppl lie to themselves when they believe they can recover lost sleep). Oh well. I'll sleep til I wake! Here's a lovely rendition of Once Upon a December to say good night.


college kid said...

I haven't really had time to make real posts because I have been busy. You know this. But I will tell you my thoughts on your post. :)

The way I always dealt with having better grades than everyone was just not asking anyone about their grades. I feel like if they point blank ask you and approach you first, you shouldn't feel guilty at all about doing well on the test. And why does it matter anyway? If you're worried about them feeling bad, that is a silly thing to worry about because if they have the right mindset, that should motivate them to do better. Competitiveness, even indirect forms of it, is sometimes a good motivator. By letting yourself stay "mediocre" or at the very least "not as good as you could be" you are just keeping the status quo so that other people feel a little bit better about their shitty grades. It's sort of enabling and a little bit...self-centered? to think that you hold that much influence over other people's perceptions of themselves, if that is what you really think. My main point is to not worry about it. If they are really your friends, then grades shouldn't matter or factor into it at all. My grades have always been good, but I didn't let that influence my relationships with anyone.

Heh. Looks like you chose sleep rather than dying your hair.

Caitlin said...
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