Thursday, January 7, 2010


So, irony has struck. First, I GOT TO PLAY WITH ROZY! I was super nervous and didn't really know what to say, and we had a lot of awkward moments and I didn't know how to make them better but I was still really happy to be able to see her and talk with her a bit. >.< Her momma is so nice, I honestly don't know how to respond half the time. lol. I guess I should relax and act how I wanna, but its easier said than done. ;-;

We went to the bookstore together (yes, I know. I'm a sad, sad, addict) and when wandering a bit, came upon two certain novels that caught our attention. One was Pride and Prejudice. The other was Wuthering Heights. We looked at them, she bought one, I recommended the other, and we discussed them just a little. I was checking my booklist for this semester, and ironically, the two books I was JUST thinking I didn't want, are on my required list. *cries* I don't waaaaaaannnnaaaaaa!

It's five a.m. and I'm still not asleep, though I'm tired and feel awful. Today is officially my nephew's birthday. ^_^ I have his present. I think I'll try to buy him a minicake so that he'll have one today from me, even though everyone is celebrating on Saturday, when I won't be here. I have a huge list of things to do. *sigh* I need SLEEP!

Whenever I hear that song by Black Eyed Peas, the "Tonights gonna be a good night" song, I think of TJ. I guess cause I heard it for the first time when I went to my first club with him. *shrug* The video collegekid has the link for was interesting. I didn't understand all the lyrics, but oh well.

I want quality time with Momma before I leave, cause I don't think I'll be back for a while, but at the same time, it seems like she just honestly doesn't care. She mentioned finding some money for her and me to go out one day this week before I go back, but that was days ago, and she never said anything else. Whenever I go to talk to her, I feel like I'm bothering her because she's either watching TV, a movie, or playing her games. I really can't think of a time she's not already doing something else. But I also want to mention, it hurt that she thought she needed money to have time with me. I can't seem to say it right. But I'm sick of money having such a huge impact on my life. My time only costs money if you're my employer damn it! I would love to just sit down with someone, play with their hair or vise versa, and talk about anything that comes to mind. Why is that so hard to accomplish? Why do we need high tech stuff to amuse us? Why not just talk and touch, and bond for a bit? It frustrates me. But I can't find it in myself to say these things out loud, cause even I know they're hopelessly naive. On that dreary note, I'm going to find a video and go to bed. Love ya'll.

BTW, my resolution for this year? To not eat after brushing my teeth at night. Which I'm about to break.

Picked it on a whim

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