Saturday, January 9, 2010

Phew. Event-filled days....

Heheh. ^//^
So, just as a warning to all: Do NOT call me before noon unless you know for ABSOLUTE certain that I am already supposed to be up, or I have ASKED you to. Specifically. To call that damned early. Specifically. Hell yes, I am pissed. My sis calls me this morning. Why?: Because I should be prepared for anything. Now, this wouldn't be so awful, except, her stupid f-ing b-ing moaning a** has done this multiple times over the last three weeks. She wouldn't say why she'd called, and I eventually got so pissed that I told her "Fuck you!" in front of my mom and Ninny. She then ran and told Papa, while my mom and Ninny gaped at me. Well, I'd kinda expected Papa to ... you know,... care? Their convo went something like this:
Sis: Papa! Runa just used profanity towards me!
Papa: She did, did she?
Sis: Yes! She said F You to me!
Papa: *laughs* She prolly learned it from you.
First, she's 27 yrs old. I'm 19.
Second, he's right, if she didn't teach it to me, he or momma did. *shrug*
Third, I'm kiiiinda impressed she knew the word 'profanity' in the first place.....

Yeah. I expected more from that.....*shrug* but I'm happy I didn't get in trouble.
I went ot the bookstore today and got a santa plushie for $1.67. A huge one. Since NO ONE got me a plushie. *POUTPOUTPOUT* I also finally got to hang out with Kikyo and go by the library, pay my dues, and check out around 20 new books. I HAVE to remember to call in my books to be renewed this time. 0_0;;;;

I came home to an empty house...except for Papa. It's a little awkward since he'd given me the money I'd asked for earlier today. Super thankful, but still a little bit upset I didn't finance well enough. Huh....looking at these figures....I can pay poor Papa back pretty soon! Omgosh....that would be amazing. If I could....I just have to be stingy with my money! I do that.... *grimace* I'm just not good at it.

Hmmmm....there's a growing list of differences between me and TJ. We're discovering them. It's....enlightening. And a little depressing. It seemed like a constant that we'd always be so similar, and now I'm realizing we're fundamentally different in a lot more ways than I'd realized. *sigh*

I miss my love...I didn't hear from him at all today. I actually lifted the phone multiple times today to call, and then felt silly and put it down. All I had to say was "I love you" and it was a bit silly to do that when I was in the middle of other things and didn't know if he was busy. =/////= Love is wearying. I've made great progress on Valentines and birthday for him though~! ^///^

And of course, I forgot to post this. :P My bad.

Quote of the Day: Do you combat serious combined homocidal and suicidal tendencies towards the public in general without any true provocation beyond existence? (Feel free to answer)


college kid said... could just turn your phone off if you really need to catch up on sleep.....and if you're just going to have a bad attitude anyway, you might as well do that. If you leave the phone on, you're just going to keep getting calls from ppl who don't know (one of your coworkers) or don't care (your family) about your sleeping habits. called last night. :)

Runa said...

I can't turn my phone off because I use it as my alarm. I've already thought of turning it off. I just can't, because I generally have plans and need to get up. *shrug* My other alarms never worked as well as my cell and now I don't have any here. Nice try though.