Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ice Cream Baby Maker!

I just like the sound of the post title. So Caitlec sent us an ice cream machine yesterday, but I didn't know it was from them. Here's what happened:

I was taking the trash out (I.e. Setting it on the door step cause I ain't going down stairs without real need) when I saw two boxes in front of the door. I was curious. I knew one of them was my waterpik flosser, but not which one. So I brought both inside and opened the large one first. *clap of thunder* It's an ice cream machine! Why is this.... OH! Reb must have gotten my Christmas early! He was asking me if I had bought something on Amazon last night, so he must have been ordering something too! .... Oh NO!!! I opened my Christmas already! I'm not gonna get a Christmas gift!! But...but I didn't know! And besides, ice cream in winter is a little less appetizing than ice cream now....
So I closed the box and stood there thinking. Finally I decided to be straightforward and confess what I did. I texted Reb saying '....Umm. Oops. I think I opened something I wasn't supposed to.' He was understandably confused. I mean, if he just ordered it last night, it's really incredible that it got here the next day. So I explained further 'Umm. We got two packages today. I opened the big one, but it wasn't for me.... Or at least, I'm pretty sure I didn't buy it. Yay early Christmas...?' He didn't respond, he just came home.
At that point, I was washing the cat (I'm the momma cat, she's gotta be cleaned every once in a while, it's a cat thing) so I waited on the floor for him to scold me for opening things without permission. He looked in the box and grabbed a paper that I hadn't looked at from inside. I apologized for opening it, and he confessed he didn't even know what it was. I was very confused. "What do you mean you don't know what it is? It's an ice cream machine. Didn't you buy it?" He looked at me, "Didn't you look at the paper?" Nope. Sure didn't. So he hands it to me. It's from Caitlec! I was so relieved that I hadn't done something bad!!
You guys are so awesome! I'm super excited to try out some recipes that I sent you before, and others that I bypassed because we didn't have a machine. Chocolate cookies and cream.... Here I come!

Also, while being an insomniac last night I was thinking of names for your kids that combine your names. Yes, I know you probably won't use any of them, but I got kinda absorbed for a while. Altin. I like it, it sounds masculine and machinish. There is of course Atlin or Altlin, but they just don't sound as good to be. Then there's Lelin, for a girl. It sounds kinda oriental, but very cute, don't you think? Can't you just imagine your little girl with pig tails or buns saying "Buh Lelin wans to..." with a cute pout??

Cough cough. Okay. So! Pineapples tore her PCL (which is behind the ACL, what I tore), and is having trouble with getting up and down. I think this is a lesson to us all: No falling!! When you get to be our age (Old woman's voice) a fall could be life or death, you hear? Our couple friend with the baby had another accident too. She tore most of the ligaments in her right foot, and she's only 21!! They're still not sure if they're gonna get surgery on it or not, but right now it's really well-wrapped in cotton and braces and plasters. Isn't it scary?? We're all in our twenties and getting serious injuries from non-serious actions!! My advice to Pineapples is: Get into PT ASAP. They'll be able to help you strengthen the muscles around the ligament so you won't fall as often, and it won't hurt as much (after a while).

For all the grammar and spelling I didn't catch: I just woke up. I'm sorry. Let me know and I will try to fix them. Love ya'll!


Caitlin said...

Yay!! I'm glad you like it!

The first thing I thought when I got hurt was something about how old I was getting. When I was 15 and fell down, I'd almost literally bounce off the ground. We must be careful!

Lelin sounds cute. I really like girl names that have the letters "L," "V," and "E." Maybe they remind me of the word "love?" But I have all three of my girls names first and middle chosen already, and I love them so much and have for the past 6 years that I don't think I'll change my mind about them. On the other hand, I do like boys names that are Alec-y. But Alec won't let me name the kid Cale and Alexander is a bit too similar. Any suggestions about that?

Runa said...

Leca could be interesting. I can't really think of anything else right now. I guess I'll put some thought into it next time insomnia hits. :)

Runa said...

Oh yeah. I was thinking of it last night. What about Erik, or Gallek/Gallen/Gallet? Erik is nice because your brother's name is the same, and it sounds like Alec. :)