Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ice cream, you scream, we all scream, for ice cream!

I have met my maker. My ice cream maker, I mean. The other day while hubby was at work, I started my experiments. I made a fudge ice cream with crushed oreos. One of the best ice creams I have ever eaten. So today, I had it for breakfast.
Now I'm making a new ice cream. Cherry ice cream, with cherry and vanilla extract, fresh cherries that I popped and sliced myself (behold my red left hand), and coconut milk. I'm trying coconut milk because it's supposed to be fattier than normal milk, but better than whipping cream for you. So the consistency is supposed to be good.
I.... LOVE watching the ice cream maker work. It's like watching laundry. I can just stare for forever while it goes around and around and changes ever so slightly each time..... It's impressive that I'm not able to be hypnotized when I enjoy watching things like that so much. The worst thing is that I have to eat the ice cream I make, so I'm gonna keep gaining weight in order to indulge my hobby.... Unless I can make hubby eat it all.....

Tonight I'm going to a girls' health night with J and some others that I may have met before. :X I'm a little nervous but I want to socialize so....
I made spinach and mushroom pizza. Here's the recipe:

2 medium regular mushrooms, sliced or diced
Bag of spinach, or however much you want to add
Ragu's Alfredo pasta sauce (any brand will do, but I used Ragu)
Any ready-made pizza crust (I used HEB brand)
Grated Parmesan Cheese
Herbs of the Provence (mixed herbs)
Garlic Salt

Slice the mushrooms up as desired, and wash the spinach.
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees (or whatever it says on the pizza crust package), and put the crust on the pan. Any pan big enough will do, but we have a pizza pan.
Lay spinach out on the crust, then slather alfredo sauce over it. Add desired amount of garlic salt, then mushrooms, and another layer of spinach. Lay a little more alfredo sauce as desired, and then dust Herbs of the Provence and Parmesan Cheese over entire pizza. 

I'm only posting this because I know there's some vegetarians out there, and this is pretty yummy. It's also highly adaptable, and easy if you just pick up the ingredients occasionally. I'm gonna go or I'll be late, so ttyl!

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