Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Playing with Fire

I thought about writing the other blog first, but realized I prolly need to edit what I'm thinking before it's presentable. :P
My title is from the newest chapter of a story I read today. I'd forgotten it was rated M. And how it deserved that title....*blush*
So, I'm in need of doing homework. Heh....I kinda suck, don't you think? I only had one class today, but I still managed to only do 3-4 pages of homework when I have like 6 due, and a ton of reading material due as well.

I got to walk home with Toofu-san! He's so awesome! I swear bf, if I wasn't dating you, I'd seriously consider going after him! He's great. And he works out three times a week! I was like @_@. Well, I got to walk with him to the train station, since I ride my bike home.

Speaking of the bike...I think it hates me. If I'm not on it, it scratches my legs, and when I ride it uphill, it's so haaaaaaard. Though admittedly, it might not be the bikes fault for that. Okay, none of this is the bike's fault. Doesn't mean I can't blame it.

Hm, I've been super busy, so even though I slept for nearly 12 hours last night (subtract all the times Sao-chan screamed) I'm still super tired. I just wanted to climb back into bed.

Eh....It's like 9 30 at night, and Ikuchin just went for a run...I kinda wanna go too....But like, accompany her on my bike instead, because running really isn't my thing. REALLY isn't my thing.

Okay, I officially can't think of anything to add to it that isn't detailing the events of the last few days. Ciao!


college kid said...

....I'll just pretend that Toofu-san doesn't exist. Otherwise I might plan a trip up to Japan.....just to...."meet".....him.

You should build up to running with power walking!

Runa said...

....And I'll just pretend you're not facebook stalking him. BTW, he's super cute to ME even if you think he's ugly.

And hell naw. I hate running.

college kid said...

Ummm...with regard to your dilemma in the other blog, I think you should just stay out of it. It sounds like the teacher lashes out only when the students break the rules. That is her right, because its her classroom and her rules. Even if you think its overreacting, that is irrelevant as long as she is consistent and only punishes people who do something wrong. And if they are using the phones on purpose, then they get what they deserve. If anything, you can tell the students to quiet down because that is interfering with your learning (and even if it isn't interfering with YOUR learning, it is probably interfering with other people's learning). The bottom line is that a classroom is for learning and not having conversations. If you're not going to pay attention, you might as well not go to class. It really is that simple. And while the teacher may seem harsh, there are plenty of teachers like that. Psychological and emotional abuse? Meh. I am somewhat unsympathetic since I know that such teachers exist already (Dr. Kolena). The students either need to stop doing things that irritate the teacher or to suck it up. The other option for them, of course, is to drop the class or switch to a different teacher if one is available. They are college age, so they should be mature enough to not use phones in class. That's just what I think, based on how you described the situation.