Monday, October 4, 2010

Friends are hard to recognize

But enemies are worse.

I've recently been dissuaded from blogging because I ended up so mad at my family for chewing me out over drinking I'm not doing. Yes, reread that sentence. Now you've got it. There was really no point in arguing with them, because, essentially, I'm halfway across the effing world. I'm going to do what I'm going to do, and they should be happy I even bother telling them about it. I mean, I'm not gonna say shit anymore if it just gets me chewed out. Who would?

Anyway, back to enemies. I've recently been meeting a TON of people, right? Well, within the group of people that I instinctively like (and that's just instinctively), there's also people I instinctively do NOT like. And without any reasons to start with, I just dislike them. Of course, being human I can easily find reasons to dislike them. Their voice is annoying (they can't help that). They say shit about America(ns) and think it's okay cause they're FROM America (they have a point, but they aren't the entirely of America. Therefore, they really can't speak for all Americans damn it). They're condescending (but they help with work, correcting me, even when I'm not really wrong.....) and don't believe me when I try to help them with THEIR work (but believe others that give them the same answer). They talk shit about other people's accents, when their own is pretty awful (And that's not just English or Japanese). So you see, I can easily FIND reasons to dislike them, but the gist of it is, I didn't like them even before they really started talking to me. Which really isn't fair. And I'm all about the fairness. But just being in their proximity puts me on edge and makes me want to snap at others. Which isn't fair to others that I have no problem with. Because really, there's only a few.
To explain this more easily, say I meet 20 people. I instinctively, without rhyme or reason, like about 7 of them. I also instinctively dislike 2 or 3 of them. So for the other 10 or 11 people, I'm initially curious, and very much open to knowing them. Some won't like me, and I can sense that. Some will like me, and I'll be freinds with anyone who's personality doesn't clash with mine. I like other people. It's just a little awkward when I can sense that they really like me, and I just rather kinda like them. All the others will be passing acquaintances that I don't really know very well. They'll get a head nod, maybe a few conversations now and then, but nothing really memorable.
That about sums up the arrangement now, and in just about every situation I've ever been in. So I really can't remember ever instinctively disliking someone, and them turning into really good friends of mine.

So to continue with a new topic, I'm dieting. And Ikuchin is helping me. So I'm trying to help Ikuchin help me, so it's not like this grudging, I'll listen, but only because you're doing this for my sake kind of thing. But somehow she talked me into no sweets....until I lose 3 more kilos. Yes, kilos. Don't ask me what that is in pounds. I don't want to know. I just know I've lost like 2-4 already. So I was thinking "No sweets? No problem" and of course this means today I didn't lose anything. Even without any sweets. But when I came home today, I was so hungry I was shaking (though I ate plenty for lunch) and commenced to eating like 7 bowls of vegetables and meat and rice. Which is perfectly fine. But then I was still hungry. So I had a banana....and some other thing I cannot name. Literally. I don't know. So I got full for a while, but not nearly long enough. I'm hungry again! I ate like, 4 or 5 hours ago....Ah. So that's why I'm hungry. Figures. Veggies go fast. And I didn't really eat much meat. *sigh* Silly Runa.
But my friends and I have a custom of buying new sweets and sharing them about ourselves to figure out what we like. So today I couldn't have any, and I didn't really bring it kinda sucked for me. But it's temporary....Or so I will continue to tell myself.
I also got new clothes from Naobe's company! She's a designer, so the clothes that get rejected, but only have one or two things wrong with them are up for grabs there. *dances around* I have some new clothes~! But I'm too big for most clothes, so at the same time, sucked, just a little.
And then I went to a musical in Japan. In Japanese. Yes. I did. And I understood the gist of it. For the most part. It was very touching. Name? A Common Beat. There was definitely a country that represented America though.....*hangs head* I was a little embarrassed about that. But there was bellydancing, and notes from the staff, and a lot of hard work really went into it. I really enjoyed it. Even if I was like one of three foreigners there. In a room, 300-500 full. Meh, it was really cool, even if I needed help to read ....well, anything.
We kept getting on the wrong train! Ikuchin kept trying to take short cuts! And we had to backtrack so many times! (laughs) It was pretty funny. Then we were late, and we had to run from Naobe's company all the way to the train platform. THAT was embarrassing. But mainly because....well, I'm female. When a female runs.....Yeah. I think you've got it.
But beyond that, I slept a lot, and still ended up sleepy all day today. So maybe tonight, when I only sleep about 7 or 8 hours, I'll feel better tomorrow. I wanna be all healthy and happy and energetic again!!!

Oh right, I saw a train sign saying "Females only from (Some time at night) to 23:30." Which is kinda cool, until you think of the reason such a train car is necessary. Which brings me full circle to a fun concept we've all embraced here.

The Gaikokujin Bubble. The literal bubble around foreigners that Japanese people refuse to penetrate without very stressing reasons. Like more people on the train car than can be comfortably fit. Like tonight. For a while, A. and I had our own little bubbles. But then at the next platform, so many people squeezed on that I was pressed against two guys. Now yes, that is essentially no big deal. But when you consider I am taller than both males, and it's my backside against them....Well, I won't make you worry. My bottom was repetitively brushing the poor guy's arm. and my back/side was against the other one the entire time. And since I had sweat all day today, I am rather certain I stank, though everyone else insisted I smelled fine. Isn't that terrible? But it's the first time I've been in such a crush on a train, so I find it rather memorable.

Meh, it's 1 am here, so I'm going to bed. I'll leave you with one of my favorite songs (And it proves I'm rather happy)

If you're not getting the picture, my music tastes run directly opposite to my feelings.


college kid said...

Mmm. I didn't think about how your family would respond to that. I guess the best thing to do would be to censor what you say on the other blog or just block your mom from it altogether. It would make sense to block her since they are just using it as a means to bitch at you and keep an eye on you. At the same time, I am not surprised. But if you're going to keep writing on it, then just don't mention the drinking or any other sketch activities that they might overreact to. Because really, whenever you tell them stuff honestly and openly, all they really do in the end is hurt you with it. Repeatedly.

I'm sorta amused at your facebook post echoing your statement that you've never grown to be friends with someone you instinctively hate....two of your friends already commented that they feel that's how it happened. Heh. Food for thought?

Three kilos is not really that much. Based on what you said, you've already lost one or two (good job, btw).

And what does the title of your other blog's post mean?

Runa said...

No meaning for the other blog's title. I think it translates to something like "I came, I saw, I c-yaaaah!!"
and yeah, because purposely omitting everything interesting on my diary of Japan for my future years of looking back and thinking "Those were the days" is a GREAT idea.
But yeah, you're right. They're hurting me alot with the ammo I so trustingly hand over. *snort* I can admit I'm stupid.